Show jilles simons modesty kio desty t g by liis ills power of intellect and f of soul the late jules the vwe I 1 re licit 6 states statesman nian and phil t dalbed himself to a high station sta tiou aci yet liere i to the close of ills his life a 3 simple modest num mail this is liis bit friend baron pi fierro bic de Coulier lin writes of him in ia the I 1 leview Kevic ft of reviews lie be 1133 aa liorest it simon jules was alas IS as I 1 able lie ile had often expressed a chat eliat there iiii lit dot be loo tulle much all lir dation around lils his couil lle he liall often a desire de sire to be told infiel death was approaching A friel iollI hil 4 1 filled this sad s ad duty tile philosopher showed ili no signs of or friglet on oil hearing ahe terrible news As lie ile rould could speak k no DO lie L rilo i ut of ill pr tinned for a pencil and a 1 I arote li is per and a steady hand own epitaph JULES N 18 isil 4 dieu libarle Li borle ills n undue ille the hie year or of ills hertl mi aud the year acar of ills death anil 11 tid tile the be leittl and a ful motto that eliat had coln C Cuu itry GOLI goil ruled ills hilr life liberty i I 1 |