Show A street arod the easiest cotsie t thrig on oil the tha face of the carth to entertain I 1 if a street acrond everything but curiosity lit in such hiigli 1 I 1 inot ley jim jam I 1 forgotten rich and ami rim buor ignorant ant and leir Ivar neil lied stand elbow to elbow avith claued all open just such midi a 1 crullo us its till tills bricked the way on oil tremont stevet it at recurring re currin interval su ter val i ivery liver tinie 1 I 1 vory very so soleine lenin looking mail appeared in ili the show winlow window there wis was a Seral lible to soe see allo nose done mould be oil tile the pill palte 0 glass lert all the did was to open a provet to lo maki make it il into lul a bed by tile alio ipuh lilii sli cover mattress tress side ii 1 and I II 11 it put kiil ling oil a 1 pair or of pillows aln n tile I 1 billows were nere squared sliu ird ili up the frimd ma atis so ho groat that it a polle vinall told li id to compel the outer oilier la layer ne r of f si to eld t ors to move on oil the they y did so git I 1 it ly y then the hie bed wi ava dc and a parlor couch erected rel ted tile people ito iio anil departed in ili a few I 1 minutes DI this thi i keeno was waa again v 1 1 acre albe bed mahln man mail neier ouie 0 1 0 relaxed ilk hii hi i countenance or liis teneil and ills his niovi menti adar adv tr t I 1 bar |