Show in a recent speech at II If ampton booker T washington the noted alabama negro said As a race I 1 believe we are to work out our salvation nork mork it out with pon pen ind and ink work it out with mith square aud add compass work it out with saw and harn hammer mer work it out with spade and plow work it out with horse borse power and steam power work it out on the farm farill in the shop schoolroom sewing room the office and in all of lifes callings As before the war the ne negro ro wa bound to the he white mail by slav slat err cry so now lie he must be bound to him by community of interest here at hampton we nye have not nione the sign of progress but the reality there Is no position however high in science or letters or politics that I 1 would withhold from my lily race but I 1 would have the foundation sure |