Show THE REPLY of moses thatcher to snows letter continued Contin uail irom from last week A few men holding C a 1 le lesser leser ser in in the church called and argued with me and sometimes may have heard the pee plaines plaints anti inti of a sick man ma n which I 1 it seems were carefully delivered and preserved and with which you are now williner in to reproach me jt it appears that every groan I 1 uttered in my pain and weakness was wai borne away and used to poison the minds of those liv ino iu in the light a against aint a weak and nd helpless brotha in ili this connection I 1 would like to state that even before the presentation of that manifesto for my signature irr nature not one of the brethren e u had taken up a labor with me concer concerning nillo any 1113 of the matters it was made to embody you contend that I 1 should have signed it simply a and aad ad sole ly because other officers of the church had signed it without hesitation and without requiring ino time to deliberate I 1 cannot see now that statement adds to the cred credit it of the document such matters de demand mand deliberation and because I 1 always so contended I 1 ani am called contumacious tuma cious ind find obstinate it t may be that elder B 11 roberts signed it without consideration tut out I 1 have bave been authoritatively informed that strong and healthy as he was in min 5 and body several members of the quorum tu to which I 1 belonged labored with him day after day for weeks iveal s before lie he consented sept ed to accept the principles es of absolutism it contafi contains avs H how many of the brethren deemed it necessary to waste their time on me ine though I 1 was side sick and near the V portals of death N not ot one yet net they expected me to sign it when it was presented alt although boUgh you sav av I 1 was considered contumacious ivious and obstinate if that was mv disposition why was I 1 not 1 la colel with for weeks or why was I 1 expected to 0 it bif without phout such attention did you boll itally i t ally believe tile me contumacious and obstinate oly I 1 do not desire to lie ie understood is as complain complaining ino of the short horl time time 0 giat given n ino 1110 for the consideration of the manifesto the hour and a 11 halt ia at noon on the day my name was dropped front from the list lesl of church officials I 1 understood n stood the manifesto then ay as I 1 understand it now B but u t when I 1 afterwards aeto wards learned th that a t its cla claims had been discussed for weeks by the other othel til amfin pill aei aers s of the quorum of apostles that a systematic presentation 0 of f its T grounds had bad been devoted to Brot brother lier roberts 1 I was led A to wonder if the brief time allowed me w was as the ye result alt of desin design or ac accident eident you say that 1101 out at of merca and compassion the reason s tor lor degrading td me NW were re riot not given it at the ap april ril con conference ferenc 1 fail to see sc e wherein I 1 was benefited by it a compassion which g avo rise to so many rumours ru mours mysterious hints dark insinuations slanders and attacks un unjust just allusions and unfair comparisons com pari sons which abir h have been studiously created and n itce since that time nor can I 1 appreciate the manner in which my case was left in statu quo by the remarks of the bretha brethren ell at the october conference I 1 had bad received assurances su rances and reassurances assurances ie i i that nothing not liing 0 would be done or said affect affecting im 0 my ease case until I 1 should report myself self ready for trial you say the assurances to which lie he refers were faithfully fulfilled he was left iu quo the average n nian man might be hard bard to convince that his bis interests would not be affected by cre creating atino 0 adverse public opinion by conce concerted arted and action on the part of the jurors entrusted with ili his fate adein in pre judging and poeju dicing the people against him when abe n a L tribunal 13 1 11 man t guilty crin ty ant and announces to the world its judgment has he been left in quo you vou complain boiu plain because I 1 did not for a time attend my quorum meetings as regularly us its others had done the time to which IMIl ieli you you call attention covers the pe period ill kd of a lingerie lin lingering 0 gerim 0 illness from which I 1 have now almost St entirely recovered but 1 do not oever oft er my sickness as an excuse tor for absence as you had excused nie me from all official duties during a great gi eat p portion of that time advising me die to travel to seek enjoyment and health the charn tat I 1 have trim treated ted tile council with contempt needs no do answer but a r ferenee to tile the letters which pissed passed bet beta acu ecu im 11 I 1 endeavored persistently patie patiently nth and is as I 1 thought respectfully s fully to it ascertain ascer iain what my brethren llad against me what differences there were nere between ns in wait we hialit arrive at sin an and finally what their requirements were ahn I 1 went to the meeting 0 place of the quorum of apostles after beins as by the brethren that I 1 would be welcomed and that no objection would be made I 1 found the door floied in my mv fac from that lime on til till I 1 iny my I 1 plead for a statement nt of the ibe grievances grievance 4 against me but dare I 1 rot not intrude uron my quorum without invitation as I 1 hal had nf no desire to give of fence awag I 1 was never aware that I 1 hal had no right to speak in public meetings meet inns until publicly lepri banded irr fir so doing I 1 did not think I 1 was bi borre irrel 1 from froin the temple until its dair wis was flowed alo ea in mv face ant and now anu eav av that I 1 presumed to attempt an entrance ti 0 tho the templo temple what could I 1 have done rione every move I 1 made was criticised criticized arid and condemned and seemed t to 0 invite invie nw new forms ot censure and humiliation I 1 have no desiro to quibble lle hut but her ber is a passage in your open letter to which I 1 to call your attention it was but bat a few days d aag after the october inference even if it had entirely caned ein ed before he appear il and ot at public as lie he still held ile he an ili clr rity in which he be had riot not been sustained at conference this necessitated the announcement from tile the first presidency through tile the dedret news that ho he had no do i ight to officiate in the priesthood athile in his suspended condition notwithstanding that announcement when lie he choe to himself to the authorities ihori ties lie presumed pree umed to attempt entrance to tol the lie temple for that purpose and st at a time when tile the first presidency pre sideny as well as the twelve met diet for the th cc arn n sidera tiou of other church matters and for hold intz their prayer cirri cirel 11 I 1 pre presented at tho the door or of tho salt lake temple at 11 a ni thursday october 13 themert tha meeting which promulgated the announcement you refer to was wa then in easlon it was not published in fit the deseret news until evening aal was not received by tile me for at leist least five hours after my iny return home from the temple you will ill not deny that these are the facts st binl ni att vt t you blame me for attempting antra entra entrance na to the temple in disregard of an announcement which had not then been formulated at no other time did I 1 attempt eni entrance rance to the temple to be refused reffe l admittance this point is in direct line with your former merit in our original correspondence pon dence ct to tile the affett that because I 1 hal had ha l a 8 ea linly disobeyed disobeY cd your letter ot of the of october I 1 was as ad fe to the temple on the loth or eight eig ut days before when I 1 could not dot understand that hint you explained it hy by saying sayin I 1 was in tile the dark no the same explanation will aniser in regard to the para paragraph raph above quoted alto to be continued our schools and IU iiii public Ii offices f should all be furnished with a good dictionary and the best for this and all ot other ier purposes is websters ant international dictionary we have a copy for 1896 which is a perfect masterpiece oi finui linguistic tic material invaluable to the student and every intelligent reader it should be in the house bouse of every family as its perusal is an edU education catiA in ill itself |