Show 01 subscription one 0 tie year RATES FOR AUVER professional prof ess ional cards per month professional dional cards when paid in advance per e r year ar local not notices pi c nii ten cents per line for first insertion and live cents for or each subsequent insertion legal notices ten cents per line each insertion rates for display advertising made known on application all communications should be addressed to tom THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP UI randolph utah FRIDAY AUGUST 28 1890 FOR PRESIDENT ff i BRYAN im roll FOE VICE PRESIDENT ARM DISEASES OF THE SKIN SION the intense onteme itching and smarting ing incident to eczema ec zerna tetter letter snit salt and other oilier diseases odthe of the skin shin is instantly allayed by ay iy applying chamberlain s ey eye e tind and ain ointment many very bad cases cases have been permanently cured by it it is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped chapped hands hand chilblains frost bites and c cl ironic rore bore eyes for sale by druggists at 20 23 cents per box boi try dr cadyga cadys condition powders powder they I 1 are just st what a fiorese needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier and for sale by IKE SMITH NOTICE to teachers of oe rich county the teachers examination and institute convenes in randolph Thu thursday friday and saturday sept 3 4 and eth the first session will begin 10 a in thursday LARSON LARSO supt bupt there has been 1 a I notice distributed in rich ric co that the price of our yative native herbs 11 well known in rich cohade co hail been raised to per box this is ia false I 1 have had a resh fresh supply sent to me from the 0 bliss co with authority to sell the same for 1 per box bos as beevre be tuie Ulue mcl ra randolph adolph utah NOTICE to teachers of rich county the tench ers examination anil and institute convenes in in randolph thursday friday and saturday sept 3 4 and ana beb the arst session will b giu iu 10 a in thursday LARSON hupt supt if 3 ou are sick eick or in pair pain from any ol of llie the following cramp toothache beada headache c lie earache Eara chr face ache rheumatics neuralgia or any other ailment get a bottle ot 01 pain paint I 1 nut hoin E T randoph randolph price 25 50 cents and i sl 1 l per bottle f t mr C L mckibbon McKi bLon ol of salt L ke city who was as staying at the R andolph hotel last week came to randolph to purchase tattle cattle or two slaughtering sla tighter bouses at salt lake city but finding everybody so busy haying he decided it wits waa no use going round now ile he will bo here again in october and will visit round valley MeadoW Mead Mile and laketown Luke Lake town A little daughter dau eliter of mr low levi is dayton sin an old and much respected citizen ol 01 barnitz pa occasionally has troubles with her stomach i which aich g giers ives lier her considerable sid erable distress in speaking 01 it mr dayton said As soon as she ehe has an attack we give lier her a dose of chamberlains colic cholera Cli Cl olera and diarrhea remedy and it lias has never failed to relieve her promptly we all use it in ill our family with kiili the same good r results for sale hy fly IKE SMITH R S SPENCE AT montpelier IDAHO dr E lee BMW Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work crown and bridge work a specialty teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN FAW WOODRUFF UTAI UTAH 1 SALT LAKE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY y TRIBUNE on june the salt lake tribune will reduce red ace the price of the semi weel week ly clyto to soo 11 per year the present presen thigh liveli standard will be maintained and an deverY every effort will be made to keep the semiweekly in ill the front rank look out for paint the painters SAX AN AND MUCH are in town for a short while and are prepared to take a fuw few more contracts come and ami look at OUR WORK RANDOLPH UTAI UTAH lj ur 64 l 1 E V fj yi pi Why should you trade with us ans because we carry john deere plows and harrows racine Spring Wag ons and buggies woods mowers Sowers BV minnie binders thomas rakes bain and old hickory wagons and a full line of ever everything in you need and we will take grain in payment for same which you can readily see is to your advantage M e send us your orders evanston imp co evanston wyo THE ilag UINTAH HOTEL evanston wyo fw neat and comfortable rooms good home cooking no on premises try the uintah nhen you are in evanston and aou ou will receive tho the best oi of treatment C lachapelle prop arch mckinnon EVIc Kinnon GENERAL LV fist all kinds hinds ot of Blacksmith ingWood and Horse shoeing lone done on short notice carriage and wagon work a specialty inventor and sole sola maker laker of the celebrated mckinnon Hay Ilay stacker patent RANDOLPH UTAH TIIE THE HOTEL marx 9 WILLIAM BOWEN prop EVANSTON WYOMING fw kept strictly first class com motions find homelike headquarters for all traveling men the bar is supplied with the finest brands of oi liquors and cigars rates reasonable 1 I DR G W SHORES FAMILY REMEDIES dr G W shores complete catarrh cure buth local and internal positively cures curca catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or ony any complicated affection of the nou thront brin bronchial chial tubes or icings full size boo aloo trial size dr 0 W shores ionic and blood purifier clean cleanses es and nd purifies the b uha gives strength and vigor curs dys pepla ia and all nervous di diseases benses price 1 I 1 pe per r bottle dr 0 W V shor a kidney and liver cure cures all dle diseases ses of ethe the kidneys liver and bladder hl ducr price 1 per t bottar dr 0 WS hores cough cure cures all coughs colds and tron bronchial chial one jose dose will stop croup keep a buttle in ahe ih house ehouse large size ize bolt bottles es csc dr 0 W shores Mounia ln sace oil stops slops the IN worst pain in one minute for headache toothache neuralgia neura gia cramps or culle use 1 11 I externally and internally oer ter nally naly prevents tits and cures diphtheria if 11 used in time ime karp cep a bottle bany price a bitle bualle dr 0 NN shores pepsin N ermi luge destroys inies t inal worms and removes ren the woe round nest where e they I 1 il e khatch hatch and breed it never falls fails price hot bot I 1 ie e dr 0 W shores shore wintergreen salve cures all diseases of the skin removes red spots and black pimples from the face heal old sores in 3 to 5 days price A box dr 0 W abores anti constipation pills cure chronic constipation sick hea headache dadie and bilious attacks price a boltic it if your case Is complicated write dr G WS hores salt lake ake city ulah for his new symptom allt and tet get expert advice free these remedies prepa prepared and guaranteed by lie hie dr G IN shores co suit lake city utah for sale and recommended by all druggists and la im medicine or sent direct on r receipt of price mckin av bilos anoh sole agents randolph at aap GUT YOUR youil WORTH 4 SALT LAKE HERALD biggest brightest and best beat per annum an urn or A per month SE MI WEEKLY only L P per er year or csc tor for C G months y through local agent or send direct to t TUB TIM HE alln CO y salt lake city utah d aw w vo it 4 1 af ef 1 na 1 ac eli l 15 dealers in G general beneral merchandise B stin bots 8 hm abst DRUGS AND MEDICINES paints oils and glass and everything used on aran a ranch cli our goods are as good as the best and our prices the lowest we pay the highest price for produce special attention ea given to mail orders amm MANA brick store stor main street randolph utah pax 1 S hai ji ingle a aulls mulls I 1 I 1 I 1 manufacture caz keep in stock a general assortment of lumber lath shingles and pickets picket including D choice finishing rustic T TAG G flooring beaded anav and V ceiling we make a specialty of Moul dings of which we carry a full stock and large variety from 78 7 8 inch to 5 inch widths all kinds of scroll work and turning done to order newels porch posts and Ba lusters kept in stock also panel doors of regular sizes any size made to order robert price proprietor PMS mw ID AHO coo cook brothers dealers in say we do not want to make any grand display the superiority of our goods advertise them we guarantee quality to be equal or above any and all at prices as low or lower all who desire honest bonest treatment can b get et it by dealin dealing 0 with us its GARDEN CARDEN CITY AND WOODRUFF AM WE WANT one hundred thousand fc fret et of lo 10 logs at once SOUTH afe mill first class shingles 2 per thousand delivered in randolph W R south mgr egr randolph utah jani olph 40 vanston Vans fon shy may diw daily except sunday leaves randolph utah at 5 a in arriving at evanston wyo at 1030 10 30 leave evanston Ev aniton it at 1 p 1 in arriving arriving 0 at randolph at 6 30 F fare ire each way efti s is ia the route rout to the railroad A LU hale mgr geo webb TED half carpenter JOHN S LL prop builder and first class accommodation contractor for transient and other quests guests out our work guaranteed to bu be well and promptly done IW acair ilay hay grain and ami stabling ja in connection dec tion bernis reasonable RANDOLPH UTAH cainnon SON JOS H NEVILLE harness and saddle contractor and builder makers fw repairing dono done on short notice WOODRUFF UTAH nothing but best material used in i our work riana plans and specifications Specification a furnished Rall randolph dolph utah 0 J L manufacturer and dealer in tonsorial 1 ial artist arti st furnishing and building lumber siding T C hair flair cutting shaving and alli shampooing flooring lath shingles Doors Windows in latest stylo style and Moul dings RANDOLPH UTAH offitt the mill EVANSTON ihyo |