Show A LATE NOVELTY 3 t new style bicycle frame for abick much binch Is IB claimed A wheel made in new london conn cann Is one of the seasons decided novelties when the inventor first made the draw 1 ing of this now famous cyb wheel eel he be wal wai I 1 i bit dubious regarding its practically ity the weight of oc the machine with roa d tires and saddle Is t twenty we 1 it Is cla claimed lined that the arlan triangular ular fora of construction isabe stiffest and aig light est it also Is maintained by the malia ers that la in this form of const h there can exist no cross vibrations one feature which would not be ap parent to the average person Is that the outside front tube of this MAC machton Is the upright or steering tube of 0 til TUE latest NOVELTY f wazell front fork this allows any adjustment adjust meat of the handle bar from the front fork oa crown to the seat post also the hadel hanff li bar Is made rocking in the PI piece ece that any desired position can t ta it J cured tho the front frame tube la Is within steering tube of the front fork through an opening in the fork t X the back stays are detachable ible adelt ting of this method of assembling k large diameter of tubing la 19 88 throughout making the frame alpeat attract attractive Ire the wheels used are tw en ty elgba inches in diameter i |