Show HAS STUDIED NEGRO mrs mr jeannette robinson ncr her favorite fad A drawing room hardly considered complete aowad unless it includes something by 71 a pi gustal or banjo performer among these thees 1 fel e are more popular than N mrs murphy of new york aorl be here hi r compo sr of not a few pleas pleasing kittil nm songs her unusual success Is 12 the cai ural oral result of giving t the ile subject of 0 n 8 gro songs a great deal of ial born and raised in the south she I 1 earl 11 a great love for the plaintive airs with which the tue net be 1 men and women lighten their wort like all other southern children of 0 vela veil todo to do parents she had haa a mamia arand ani it happened that this colored colore cl wonna was renowned tor for her ability as a lingor linger sit sirs mrs murphy recently said i As a child I 1 used to follow this old ilg colored woman about when she bai 1 busy just to near her sing caring moro inon for the sound of her voice than for or thi northern music As I 1 gre J I 1 began to wonder 6 up as to the ra reaton of the strange fascination of the songs for all classes of people I 1 it was not merely in the mu marlc ic or word i for the quaintest quain test of darky melodies rea tt I 1 dered by one unfamiliar with the ae aj 1 groes instantly lost its charm I 1 final funai t ly grow so curious about the matter th a few years ago in tallahassee Tallah asBee i I 1 tet bei 1 about to solve the problem for WY my vy own satisfaction I 1 found to my delt delight Shit i 1 that tho the weird effect of the plan plantation songs Is from the observance amo among 9 th 1 darkles darales dar kles probably unions unconsciously of 0 ce cepi I 1 tain rules rulea in regard to the he recent accent ind breathing they near never taki take bleats br eatS as we do at the end of a line or phrase 1 connecting their sentences with tint peculiar wavering boneso tone so fu full lof of alfio and melancholy abnot another e singular thing ls Is the heavy aacen accent on the latta it r I 1 MRS JEANETTE BOBIS part of every m monosyllable ono syllabic word thul thai giving two musical tones for each word of 0 one syllable with the same long lone drawn walling waiting sound between abi tones there are many other peculiar lii aties in the exact rendering of the plan tation songs but these are the most e sentral and the most strongly marcej that have come to my notice mrs murphy does not confine herself to parlor recitals but gives he her r M vices gratuitously to prisons hoepfl and missions |