Show major BIRNEY uses laes paines celery compound in his family and strongly recommends it N 1 0 N IX 4 fit 5 AM I 1 k major general birney who is now at the age of 75 practicing law rud and doing departmental work in washington in a letter to wells richardson company says my wife has been taking the paines celery compo compound una for some time past and is go fo much pleased with it that she wishes me to express to you h her or high opinion of its ita merits she thinks it is ia the best beat remedy she has ever tried general birneys birness Bir hearty acknowledgment of the great and lasting good that his family has received from paine a celery compound is repeated in sub in countless testimonials written in the same grateful spirit and sent from every part of the country dont sit with folded arms and do nothing toward getting rid of poor health drive out all impurities from your blood build up the vigor of the body with paines celery compound the one remedy that has kept all its promises in the past the tired nerves and brain need just the sort eort of nourishment that this great invigorator is able to supply now is the time when paines celery compound aided by the favorable influences fluen ces of the season fairly outdoes it self it searches out the hidden causes came of debility neuralgia rheumatism and those constantly recurring headache the worn out nervous tissues are invigorated vig orated paines celery compound la is the one successful nerve regulator that cures disease without any possibility of a return of the trouble take tabe paines celery compound 0 p 0 n d this th very day it wont do t to com po postpone 8 apo n e g getting eis strong and well until you yon have a vacation do as thousands of others other have done to their great joy take taka paines celery compound I 1 it will invigorate vig orate at once your impoverished nervous system it if you really want to get well read lead t the h e le letters t recently published from such m men e n a as s justice powers congressman grout congressman meredith of virginia assistant united states attorney john C capers congressman wilbur of N bew ew york congressman bell mcallister Allister Mo congressman neil and many others who are fully as careful of what they recommend the of a few of these personally signed hearty testimonials of pains paines celery compound will give any one a clear idea of what this wonderful remedy is doing in every state in the th union and in every city and village it is making people well |