Show avoiding Avoid ini sickness 8 there Is nothing more essential to the success of a business man than the good health of himself and ills his family thi i is 13 especially true of the farmer fanner who must give personal attention to every part of his business and chose family Is closely connected with ills his work anything that interferes with the usefulness 0 of f any one in the average farm hombis home Is a serious hindrance vor for bust busi hesss reasons therefore the farmer cannot afford to have sickness in his household one of the most common causes cause of sickness in the country is overwork many women especially suffer from this cause and do not seem to realize it nor do their households another common cause of sickness Is neglect of sanitary precautions precaution the country home la Is usually well situated to avoid trouble of this kind but so often have we seen surroundings that invited disease that we have thou thought ht a country health inspector would not be out of place it should not be difficult to prevent the pollution of air water or food in the country and it those these are all pure there need be little foar fear of trouble |