Show this little girl got well buich just after tier third b birthday I 1 r it it d a y my I 1 little attl e daughter connle connie had fiad a serious attack of lit in teSt allu says mrs mi h 11 II NV turnage Tur nago cadwalder cad aider st san sall an antonio conlo 11 texas exas 1 I it it X left her very ery e I 1 ik I 1 und pale her hovels bowels act right light she had no appetite and nothing agreed with tier glicr our physician told us to give ghe tier lier some come california fig syrup it tier her pick up right amity and now slie she Is as robust anti happy as any child in our neighborhood neighbor hood hooI I 1 give glup fig syrup full credit for her glicr wonderful condition it Is a guit great thing for children children like the rich fruity taste of california syrup unil ail you iou can gle give it to them its as often as they need it because it Is cutely vegetable for over 50 years soars leading physicians have recommended it and its overwhelming tm helming snips sales record of over oer four million bottles a year sear shows it gives satisfaction nothing compares comp aies with it IL as it but certain dantle and it goes lur fill ther her than this it regulates tho ach and bowels and gives tone and str strength bength to these organs so V they hey con billue to net act nor normally mully of their own accord there are many imitations of california calif f 0 r n I 1 a fl fig g SN syrup rup so look 1001 for the dilme california on the carton to be uro imre you get the genuine lne |