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Show An Independent Newspaper Devoted To The Interests Of The People Of Rich County and Lower Bear River Valley Volume 1, Number 5 Randolph, Utah, Friday, March 8, 1929 LOVE ME AND THE WOLRD IS MINE A VERY COSTLY FILM Garden City Notes MYSTERY DRAMA HAS EXCEPTIONAL Funeral Services The entire film industry has awaitMr. MitteheU Sims, who hasi been ed with absorbing interest the reattending the U. A. C. during' the sult of the firsjt directorial effort of winter returned home Sunday. He the German genius, E. A. Dupont reports that there is considerable who brings to the screqini a new ar- For H.M. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Pope retained home fropi Soda Springs. Mrs. Pope was operated upon for appendicitis Feb. 8th., and since recovering from the operation, has improved very much in health. Funeral services snow in Cache valley and vicinity. Mr. ifyid Mrs. Dick Moore left on Monday for their home in Blackfoot. They came here on a visit about Dec. loth., 1U28 and expected to return soon after Christmas, but circumstances, over which they had no control, prevented them from retailing until now. Miss Georgie Dusjtin spent the week end home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Dustin. Georgie is spending the winter in Fish Haven, with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Smith. Mr. Elmer Madtsen of Diamond-villWfro., spent several days here last week purchasing horses for the Diuinondville mine. e, tistry, a unique method of filming entirely different frnm the formula like methods generally in vogue. No expense was spared in giving Dupont the best of the breaksf for Love Me and the VTorld is Mine, the great Universal production which will be the featured attraction at the Kozy theatre, Saturday. World-fameartists designed the many settings, great writers worked for weeks on the script, the finest cast that was ever assembled in due And Dupont picture was engaged. rose nobly to the occasion. The result is indeed a classic, an immortal screen play that will be a mark at which aspiring directors will shoot for years to come. Cotnsider the locale. Brilliant, exr Vienna is the colorful otic, background. Gayiy bedecked peasants mingle with the sombrely clad soldiery. Pretty Viennese maids coquette with trim junior officers. The blithescjme, airy capital of Austria is caught at its jazziest moment. d pre-wa- oo : Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Snowball and Banger Averal, of Paris, Idaho, spent several days in this) vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKinnon have during the past to weeks, meeting returned from Salt Lake where they with the Garden City Cattle Asstn., spent their honeymoon. and making his regular monthly trips to the snow stakes in the sink hollowa . He reports the depth of snow very little more than Jain. 31st., hut that the density wTas greater. Minutes or Town Board meeting held March 3. 1929. Mr. Royal Pope, Mr. J. N. Cook and Members present, J. O. Rex, Vloe Mr. Victor were Jackson, David Norris and Leo McSatterthwaite County seat visitors! on Monday, at- Kinnon. tending to County and School busiMinutes of previous meeting read ness. and approved. The monthly report was read and Our theatrical troop, managed by approved. Mrs. George Langford, have played Vloe Jackson was put in charge of in Fish Haven, St. Charlesi and street lights. the Lake in and Bloomington, Idaho, was motioned and seconded to It Town, Utah They have been very well received in all of these places, have an engineer make a blue print costs-oa water - sys- -. and the patronage is greatly' appreci- and'gbfe-th- e ated. The title, Seed Time and Har- - tern tfor thisi town. vest. J. 0. Rex was appointed to hire the engineer to make a blue print. The Lake Town Theatrical troop Motion to adjourn. The House Next Door, presented, leo mckinnon, to an appreciative audietice on Satur' Secretary. day night. oo Town Board Meets f , FDR SALE Three registered Bulls : Tournament Dances will be held at Evanston. Automotive Hall, Friyearling, and two. March 8 and 9. Also 2ft head of dair.V cows. All Hol- day and Saturday, stein stock. Enquire of L. B. JOHN- after the final games. Visitors from SON. 51tf. all over the state will be there. ome oo attending Subscribe How for The Rich Glen Rex. who has school in Logan, has returped to his County Reaper $2.00 per year. home in Randolph. beeln F. A. Ayer of Denver, was in Randolph Saturday transacting busines at the Court House for the Union Pacific. Cleaning and Laketown M. I. A. presented their at The House Next Door, Garden City, Saturday March 2d. show, Pressing Neatly and Promptly Done Send us your clothes, we will return them promptly and our prices are right. Geo. Evanston. W. Ewer : : Wyoming Bishop G. H. Robinsojni of Garden City left for Salt Lake Tuesday after attending the School Board meeting in Randolph. ORDER YOUR COAL From ( C. H. SPENCER Randolph, Utah LOANS and DEPOSITS These two items are the main functions of a bank. We have money to loan and also ample facilities to take care of more deposits. 5We invite you, who have surplus funds, to leave them in our care, likewise we invite those who need funds, to borrow from us to take care of your business needs. 50ur bank has been in business 23 years with good sound men behind it which ought to say it is a good safe, strong bank to transact business with. Bank of Randolph i C. W. WALTON, Cashier $2.00 Per Year South Rich High CAST Say it With Sables brings to the at the Kozy theatre Sunday a page of life full of drama- intrigue and strange complications. It is a Columbia production, made under the direction of Frank Capra, whose The Matinee Idol and The Way of the Strong have stamped him as a director of unsual worth. The cast is headed by four popular screen players, Francis X Bushman, Helene Chadwick, Margaret Livitug-sto- n and Arthur Rankin. It is around these four that the action centers. Bushman delineates a wealthy banker, who after the death of his wife plays around with a He adventuress dismisses her to provide a suitable mother for his motherless son and by that act brings about a tragedy which holds the attention of the audience. How the girl seeks revenge, tne mystery that develops and the solution of the problem are things that will keep you on the qui vive. Helene Chadwick portrays the the adwife, Margaret Livingston, venturess and Rankin the son. Each of these players give finished performances. They rise to new heights in dramatic interpretation. The scenic backgrounds are exceptionally appealing. Qiie, a room done in the new modernistic design, is especially intriguing. e The Soutfi Rich High had the of listening in on President Hoovers inaugural address. Monday the classes were excused and the students went in groups to the homes of those who own radios. The program was ekijoyed by all the students. priv-eleg- screejui - Held On Monday In Advance d for Hejnry Jacobson were held in the Randolph ward Tabernacle Monday, March 4, 1929, with Bishop Larson The Year Book is no longer nameless. It was christened, Rich Mempresiding. The speakers were George A. Peart,, Robert G. Marshall, David ories on March 1st. Miss Wynoa Hoffman plnd Bishop Oluf Larson. Osborne submitted the (name, and for Music was furnished by the choir and a prize she gets a dollar reduction on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKinnon who her yean book. sang a solo. The floral offerings were malny and beautiful. The students and the faculty have the spring fever. They have watched Mr. Jacobson was born at Morgan, eagerly for the first spot of bare Utah, Dec. 25, 1870, and came to ground to appear, and at last it has Randolph in the spring of 1871 with come. The boys are having the best his parents, Olavus and Amanda time of their lives now, especially Parker Jacobsen- - Mr. Jacobson was with icy snowballs, and it thoroughliving at Lewiston, Utah at the time of his death, Feb. 28. He is survived ly delights them to see the girls wadMrs. Mae Nicholls ing out in the deep snow. The girls by his widow, will be glad when summer come? Jacobson and the following children: and the snow is all gone especially Frances, Mildred and Stanley JacobArvilda. Mrs. S. F. son, Lewistctn; Robbins, Los Angeles, Calif. ; Mrs. L. H. ShelDon by, Long Beach, Calif. ; Mrs. The Freshmen held their party Price, and Mrs). Wl B. Keller, Van Saturday night at the school house Also Calif. the following Nuys, at eight oclock, under the dirctioh brothers and sisters: Oliver Jacob of Miss Woozley. Games were played son, Bancroft, Idaho; Wm. Jacobsoln, and refreshments served. The Woodruff students were unfortunate and Hinekley, Utah; Amasa P. and Achel oo Mrs. Malissa Jacobson, Randolph; couldnt come because of the bad roads. Johnston, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Mary Bowden, Altona, Utah alnd Mrs. club will meet at Julia Smitji, Sublette, Wyo. The Felix beneEzma Barkers Thursday night. Invocation, 'Peter Johnsen, Minutes of proceedings of the hoard oo diction, Patriarch John 0. Gray. Due to the size of the hall, the Board Dedication of grave by Wm. John- of county commissioners of Rich son. Interment was in the Randolph County, Utah, held March 4th., 1929. of Arbitration turned Randolph down There were present Lawrence Johncemetery. runner-u- p game here. The game Marshall V. East- for the son, Chairman, oo with Davis. Davis at man and Royal Pope, Commissioners, will be played Lewis Longhurst, Clerk, and Janies Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rex and Mr. and Sherman Lutz Waltoi, Attorney. Frank Jackson celebrated their Mrs. was appointed as health officer alnd Wednesof Vital Statistics, for the wedding anniversary together The School Board met Monday, Registrar Garden City precinct. Clerk was day evening at the home of the former. March 4, in regular sessioin, there insructed to write County Agent W. A number of friends were present and being present, G. H. Robinson, J. G. R. Smith and have him arrange for all voted a happy time. Muir, Wm. Hoffman. J. N. Cook. the purchase of 1000 pounds of poisoats for the destruction of roFOR SALE Three registered Bulls ; Frank --V.- Frazier and superintendent. on dents. The following bills were al one yearling, and two, G. N, Weston. lowed : Also 20 head of dairy cows. All Hoi The minutes of the last meeting Officers pay roll $339.97 stein stock. Enquire o' L. B. JOHN51tf197.50 SON. were read and approved. Dependent pay roll Fred Smith, repairs The Board then voted to allow 127.M Mrs. James Johuston returned to Courthouse Mr3. Ella Schenck $15.00 per month, Swan Creek Electric her home in Salt Lake Thursday Co., after attending the funeral of her for the purpose of moving her family 1.50 Lights for Feb. ..r children so her . that into town might Arrow Press, Printing 2.62 brother in Randolph. It was Rich County Reaper, attend school regularly. 81.60 Printing, moved and carried that! G. H. Robin-o- Rich County Furniture Co., attend to the necessary transac34.60 Merchandise Evanston- tions with the Insurance Company R. G. Marshall, Expenses to f to Dont fire the Forget the for th damage done by 28.02 Salt Lake City North Rich school bus. Lewis Longhurst, Expenses Central Barber Shop 26.72 of the South to Salt Lake City Mr. Law. principal Rich high school met with the Board James Walton, Expenses to 33.50 Located under Hatten Realty Co. Salt Lake City asking that the contracts be sent to the teachers at an earlier date, and Shermalui Lutzi. Health Work, 15.75 Matthews Cr Matthews, Props. to ask the Board about the students Garden CJty The John O. Rex, County Road not attending school regularly. 8.00 Board being unanimous in their deWork, Randolph cision to enforce regular attendance. M. V. Eastman, Expenses to They also sanctioned the taking of Salt Lake City $20.00, and ALEXANDER the South Rich basketball team to County Road Wtork, Woodof event in to the Lake Salt 30.00 play, Painting, Kalsomining, and ruff, $10.00 their winning the runner-u- p game. Decorating Roy Snowball, County Road No job to large or small. Mr. Morgan of the N 6 Ranch was 4.00 Rajudctlph. Wctik, Phone Sols Place Estimates given appointed driver of the North School Kay Barton, County Road utatil the Creek wagon from Otter 4.00 Wcfrku Randolph V roads open for auto traffic. Road James County Kiddy, The Board allowed $1500.00 to be 6.85 Work, Randolph added to the Sinking Fund, and, had LICENSED ABSTRACTOR after the regular monthly bills $891.65 to meet been allowed, adjourned Of Rich County, Utah There being no further business, Monday, April 1. 1929. at board adjourned until April 1st., ' oo A specialty of making Deeds and Titles 10 a. m. MALE HELP WANTED : My-nar- gold-diggin- sable-lovin- g Commissioners Meet School Board Meets - n When In H. W. J Attest Chairman- Subscribe NOW! I Cant Give- - GEORGE BARKER, Proprietor SATURDAY, March 9th LATE PIANO ROLLS - Randolph, Utah KOZY THEATRE oo Avalon Town Gay Cabellero LEWIS LONGHURST LEWIS LONGHURST, Clerk. LAWRENCE JOHNSON, Man wanted to run McNess busi ness in Rich county. $7 to $12 daily year around work experience un necessary unusual offer. Write at once. FURST & THOMAS, Dept. T.. Freeport, 111. The Greatest Love Story Ever Told Love Me and the World Is Mine You Anything but . Love "Where the shy Little Violets Grow You Tell Me Your Dreams Marie t Trail of Dreams Rainbow Round My Shoulder Sonny Boy Night for Meditation Happy Days, Lonely Nights Im Sorry Sally Latest Popular Sheet Music McKinley 20c music for students EVANSTON FLORAL and MUSIC CO. William F. Starkey, Prop. . . Evanston Wyoming . Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry, Featuring the greatest cast of the season, B. Walthall, Martha Mattox, George Siegmann, Betty Compson, Henry Robert Anderson and Albert Conti. News and Comedy, The Mild World Admission 10c and 30c SUNDAY, March 10th Say It With Sables With Helene Chadwick, Francis Bushman and Margaret Livingston adventureso who is as unscrupulous as she is fascinating; a youth caught in her seductive web; a father whose past misdeeds come home to haunt him and disturb the happiness of those he loves these are the principal characters around whom this passionate and absorbing story unfolds. A gold-diggi- News and Comedy, Love In Pcilice Station Admission 10 nnd 75 |