Show sw ff News Notes its ie I a a privilege to live lis in 4 utah WWW Wt CEDAR CITY more than will be expended in improvements in lodge and transportation facilities by the zion and bryco bryce national parks 11 co company this year DELTA within six weeks the city ot of delta will will have a fire department equipment was recently ordered it consists of a carbon tetrachloride outfit mounted on a truck chassis and cost 2800 2860 local Lu business siness men f farmers ar and the american legion are donating d the funds EPHRAIM ranger L ollerton of the mantl national forest reports that the snow at the mammoth ranger range r station january 31 was 54 inches deep with a water content of 12 inches the increase in depth of snow tor for jan january uary was 29 inches with an increase in water content of at 7 inches GUNNISON tho the annual report of tho the smith 1 hughes vocational project work in the valley under the supervision of I 1 L henrie has just been completed and an increase in returns of 57 per cent over last years work each boy has averaged profit 2594 more than last year VERNAL farmers of tile the Uin uintah county farm bureau will pool this spring upwards of fleeces of wool according to its president ellis merkley tho the uintah county farm bureau mr merkley says Is the third largest farm bureau organization in tho the state lapoint alone having 45 members UTAH snow again covers cover most of utah as tho the result of another inroad of winter at salt lake the tha fall totals 35 inches for a time a high wind which caused sorie some drifting and temporarily closed several highways the salina canyon highway is still closed but other highways of the state are reported open SALT LAKE the balance on hand in the state road commission funds at the close of 1928 1923 was according to the annual report by the accounting department made public recently total receipts for foe the year totaled there was carried over from 1927 the total expenditures for the year were loans to counties during the year totaled SALINA all highways in them the state stat e are open except salina canyon following the blizzard recently which added three inches of snow to the winters tall fall in salt lake despite the additional fall on the watersheds which brought the total to 70 inches tile the depth is still three inches below the total of last year continued fair weather la Is predicted by the united states slates weather bureau GUNNISON GUNNION A free night school on poultry will be conducted by 1 I L henrie vocational director of the smith hughes project work in the valley commencing wednesday at 73 30 p m at tho the gunnison Gunn lson valley high school irwill continue every monday and wednesday thereafter until a course of ten lessons has been riven given mr hearle will vill be assisted by K jenson of mantl aland LOGAN the annual dairy school opened at the utah agricultural college recently it is being attended by numerous farmers from many sections of northern utah and southern idaho the lectures and discussions will begin g in dally daily at 10 a m and continue to n noon oon resu resuming bIng in the tha afternoon at and continuing until 4 p m they will ivill be in charge of various vara members of the faculty at the college I 1 eg e RICH PI FI ELD breaking the barrier banter cf cc ice and snow which had effectually barred transportation for three days between this city and ud loa and alck nell in wayne county the richfield high school basketball team arrived home recently weary from lighting fighting its way through often tour four and five feet deep the tha storm that set in saturday and lasted over sunday wis accompanied by a terrific wind which blocked the loa hig highway havay DUCHESNE A mass meeting of the citizens of duchesne Duches neland and nearby near by communities was held here for the purpose of effecting an organization organisation for the protection an and propagation of fish endgame and game the officers elected were aeo shirley P daniels president william 11 case vice president and L S popo pope secretary treasurer the name of the organization will be tho the duchesne fish gamo game association about have joined the association M MANTI A plans for establishing dairy herd improvement associations in fix san peto pete and sevier counties are being joked out by C 0 stott and S R boswell county agents respectively A A series herlea of meetings was held last week mr stott thus thug reports the tha idea has haa taken very well and at this time it appears from the keen interest shown that an every other month association will be organized jointly in tho the two counties within thirty days 1 |