Show M 1 lydia dia E Pink hams harris vegetable compound is a wonderful medicine at the change of life I 1 would get blue spells and just walk the floor I 1 was nervous could not steep sleep at night and was not able to do my work I 1 know if it had not been for your medicine I 1 would have been in bed most of af this time and had a big doctors bill if women would only take your medicine they would be better mrs anna weaver R F D no 2 rose hill iowa r the refie reflections C eions of ayoung married woman are not pleasant it she Is delicate run down or overworked she feels feela played out H hep e r smiles and good spirits have taken night flight it worries her husband as well as herself one woman says three years ago about I 1 was suffering with feminine ailment and was wa advised to take dr ri erces ces favorite prescription I 1 did so BO and just a few bottles bottle give gave me perfect relief and since gince then I 1 have not suffered with my head aching aching at all before I 1 took the rie prescription I 1 suffered an awful lotwich lot with it neither do I 1 feel eel any ot 0 f the other symptoms of this thi common ailment en t I 1 am ure sure the favorite prescription will do all th they y bay mrs 7 1 F oneil oncil room 13 labor ago temple pueblo colo write dr pierce buffalo N Y it you desire tree free medical advice send loc if you als wish h a trial package ot of prescription tablets bel 1 10 11 take US IR natonya NATo REMEDY to night be ba fit at and fine bs mornin fr tongue clear headache head acha zone gone appetite back bowels acting pleasantly bilious attack forgotten for constipation too not better them than any roero mere laxative safe mild mid purely ja at A only giving wi S AY winter long marvelous Marv elou cairn climate t good hotels tourist camp Camps Splendid roads gorgeous mountain views view tito res the west wesl writs write croo A chaffey P cababa CALIF california OUNIA COYOTE FOX and SKUNK exterminator got WOLF 11 9 coyotes coyote one night brought CO rr arca cc circular free formulas and instructions GEORGE EDWARDS Uv ingston montana faw choose a profitable vocation learn leam the tha beauty culture course conrao given by a man that bus bas taught BBS students how to earn big MONET MONE Y catalog sent on requests request UTAH nigh SCHOOL OF OB CUL clift salt lake city 0 write for it today BURTON SEED 1500 st denver colo cola booklet free references rest best results replis prom promptness as a latness amed WATSON K H COL MAN IBry ir lit gill ft DC D C W N U salt lake city no 10 1929 0 neither pretty pictures nor colorful adjectives will dye a dress or coat it takes real dyes to do the work dyes made from true anilines ani lines I 1 next time you have dyeing to do try diamond dyes see ho how weasy easy it is to use them then compare the results your dealer will mill refund your money if you dont agree they arc better dyes apu get node none of that re dyed look from diamond dyes no streaking or spotting just f fresh crisp bright new dolor color and watch the way they keep their brilliance through wear and washing Th eyare better dyes because they contain plenty of real anilines ani lines from three to five times more than other dyes the the white package of diamond dyes is the original all purpose dye for any and every kind of material it will lye dye or tint silk wool cotton linen rayon or any mixture of materials the blue package is a special dye for silk or wool only with it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest fa professional r 10 f ess ional work when you buy remember this the clue 11 package dyes silk or wool only the white package will dye ye every kind bind of goods including silk and wool your dealer has both patk packages ages diacona ous asp to ifie use perfect VI results AT ALL mauo 5 |