Show FIND SOY BEANS MAKE GOOD FEED increasing interest in hay crop for dairy cows reports coming to the call college age of 0 agriculture at new brunswick new jersey indicate an increasing lafer in terest in soy beans as a hay crop for dairy cattle the heavy yields amounting to two tons on fairly good land and the high feeding value are anre believed to be the reasons for the popularity of the plant the crop Is sown nt at the rate of nhouy five pecks per acre if drilled or at six peeks pecks if broadcast by hand farmers have found that if the field has never raised soy beans before beffre it Is highly desirable to inoculate this Is easily eaily done by the seed and soil method described in extension bulletin 3 92 issued free by the state college 0 oi agriculture a gil culture nt at new brunswick or it if soil roll from another soy bean field field 1 Is not readily available a commercial culture la is used the purpose of either treatment la Is to inoculate the seed with certain bacteria that are necessary for proper growth of the plants an application of to pounds pound per acre of a complete fertilizer high in phosphoric odd neld and potash has gen orally been found profitable when applied to this crop wilson allson la Is the favorite in fit tills this territory but other varieties such as virginia and pekin icken are well adapted to tb ha making soy beans are legumes and therefore leave the soil in excellent condition for sowing wheat or rye niter after harvest though prompt action la Is necessary after harvest to prepare n good seedbed for winter grain disking be soy bean stubble Is fill all that Is usually necessary extension bulia tin 23 2 also issued free to farmers by bv tile college of agriculture gives more detailed information on the raising of soy beans in this toils state |