Show practice essential in making grain mixtures as since there Is seldom a deficiency in carbohydrates and fat when the dairy cow lias has all the roughage that ali it slip she can eat a roughly balanced ration may be obtained by balancing the pro tein of the grain mixture to go with the roughage end and disregarding the csir and fat for low to me daum producing cows cotts good alfalfa hay bay and corn born men meal make up lip a reasonably good ration to go with alfalfa liny hay some grain mixtures are aie as follows follow mixture 1 pounds corn UK pounds oats pounds wheat bran and pounds linseed oil meal mixture 2 pounds pound barley pounds oats pounds bran and 30 pound corn oil meal Alix mixture ture 3 pounds corn and coh cob meal pound ants pounds wheat bran and pounds cottonseed meal if prairie hay Is used us as roughage have the ration inny be as follows sia allx lure 1 pounds corn pounds out oats pounds wheat bran and 50 ii pitin pounds ds linseed oil meal mixture 2100 pounds barley pounds alfalfa meal pounds corn oil men meal and pounds linseed oil meal |