Show LOCAL ITEMS miss devota devola miflin will spend vacation 1 in n fillmore the thanksgiving and nd salt lake she will be th the e guest of dr and mrs C P F bi bionson unson mr and mrs G D mcgerry and mr and mrs gaidon smith will go satin day to attend a banquet to aiice pi ice ly arid and dance given by the continental tin oil co mr and mrs wendell wendall anderson a and nd children chil dien spent the we weekend ebend at ephraim as guests of mrs andersons parents mr and mrs airs archie L anderson announcement is made by the fust waid vaid belief society that a bazaar will vill be held in the relief society hall december 13 at 1230 p in all kinds of pretty christ mas gifts will be on sale ar mr r and mis jerry joseph of salt lake mr and mrs james sor crison mr and mrs bryant solon soi enson and miss aliss E elizabeth li of elsinore will be dinner guests thursday at the home of mr and I 1 mrs ardrew andrew hansen I 1 al mrs rs don olson of ephraim is a guest at the home of her parents I 1 j mr air arid and mrs W S Gie greenwood enwood mr air and mrs F 13 kimball will spend thanksgiving at kanosh a as guests of mr air kimballs Kim balls parents mr air and mrs A A kimball mr and mrs dewey hulst huist mr and mis ray may Clitis chistensen mr air and mrs cyril roberts and milton stafford of beaver were guests of mr and mi mrs rs T L black monday they came to attend the wedding dance in honor of mr and mrs don black at sigurd monday evening enin J T gheer and children of salt lake came tuesday to spend thanksgiving at the home of I 1 mr and mrs john L sevy jr R D buchanan and children were in mt pleasant sunday to visit mrs buchanan who is there with her mother mrs H C jacobs who has been quite ill mrs george peterson and son vernon went to salt lake saturday mrs peterson will receive medical treatment while there niels A anderson a former richfield resident and brother of mrs macelia poulson and mi mrs rs A G young died friday in salt lake and was burled buried monday with funeral services at genola mrs poulson mrs earl waters and mr and mrs chel hopkins attended the services mrs young was ill arid and unable to attend mrs sarah jane henrie henne sister of ed hancock of richfield died sunday at her home in ferron mr air hancock was visiting there and ancl remained to attend the funeral mr and mrs albert brain returned home the last of the week having enjoyed a three weel vacation as in new mexico and aion alizona Ai izona where they visited many places of scenic and historic interest inte iest amo among them the ancient indian villages they spent some time at phoenix phoeni and mesa ferral barlow aho vho lias has been employed at the safeway ay store here the past four years was ed saturday ato to tile the safeway store at Bing bingham liam the change is a promotion for mr air barlow whose family left monday to join him in bingham mr and mrs richard gurr and sort son james norman of hebr hebr city will spend it at the home of mrs burrs mother 21 mrs r r fred heppler mrs heppler will entertain at a family thanksgiving i ng dinner mr and mis albert albertson at tended attended the banquet given monday e evening at the hotel ben bell Lorti lomond ond ogden in honor of R II 11 rutledge regional forester who was recently to the division of grazing mr albertson had been in ogden twelve days attending an adm administrative conference conducted by the foi foiest est set service vice E R hill cloth at the fishlike fishlake Fish Fisli lake forest office returned this week from ogden where lie he had attended the foiest service administrative I 1 conference mrs ernest returned tins tills week from amei A m e i loan i c a n falls idaho where she had been visiting her son in law arid and daughter mr ali and mrs vance word was here wednesday that silly jilly asbury is in the hospital at tucson alizona ai izona although no particulars about his illness were given mr and mis asbury who abit here ludy morning to take over management of the fauldin faulding hotel at santa barbara california i cached santa darbara barbara at noon saturday and sunday I 1 mis asbury was called to tucson because of billys illness mr and mrs F M ogden bogde n na and famil family y returned tuesday fro from st george whole they had attended I 1 the funeral of mrs agdens fa sister ister mrs airs may ward hunt 67 mr air and mrs airs og ogden den were with mrs hunt when she passed away mrs hunt Is well known liere here having visited at the 0 osdin den home a number of times sit she was well known throughout the state as a veteran utah school teacher site she was graduated from brigham Brig harn young university and later her masters degree at columbia university ver sity after teaching for some years at young youner ty she returned to columbia arid and did work toward her ph D she taught in the dixie college biorn 1916 to 1930 and then because of failing health assumed the lighter task of being school librarian she had been as an L D S church worker ross and dale ogden came home from logan to spend thanksgiving with their parents air and mis walter ogden mr and mrs C R card spent the weekend in salt lake and logan mr card attended a mexico texico convention at the utah hotel sat biday evening mr and mis alis carroll payne returned bioni salt lake this week they went in to take mrs paynes mother mrs airs earr barr W musser who had been bean a guest at the payne home mr and mrs jas P poulson mr and mrs leo poulson mr air and mrs reed poulson mr and mis john H hale and F foy oy poulson will spend thanksgiving day at marysvale Marys vale as the guests of mr air arid and mis ivan L foisey mrs carry christensen of salina came tuesday to spend thanksgiving with her son in law and daughter mr air and mrs denze chidester mr and mrs E J duggan had as dinner guests saturday evening P J fennell and john rowe lof of eureka and C L larsen of mammoth mr and mrs john W ross Ros went to ogden tuesday to spend thanksgiving with mr air and mrs warren ross they will then go on to land oregon where they will spend the winter with mr air and mrs kenneth Rosen los miss elda hansen and J aford went to spring canyon this week tto spend thanksgiving with mr and mrs M A stewart St ewait ray christensen is home aiom the B Y U to spend thanksgiving with his parents mr air an and dAirs mrs |