Show the richfield reaper published every thursday at richfield utah by the REAPER publishing cv CO RULA EULA J fuellenbach biar subscription rate kate per year in advance advertising rates on oil application entered at the postoffice Post office nt at richfield utah second class matter member of tho the UTAH PRESS and NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSIN 7 h 77 DELCO HOME RADIOS pushbutton PUSH BUTTON TUNING ON ALL MODELS RADIO SERVICE COMPANY SPENCER PHONE 89 J RICHFIELD 7 DO YOU WANT TO OWN A GOOD G 0 0 D FARM M 0 wo we have several productive farms some in your couii ai neighborhood that e are offering on an convenient purchase terms this is an unusual opportunity and one you cant afford to miss let us explain how you can own that farm you hai have e a ways is wanted anted on very er y reasonable annual or semiannual semi annual payments WRITE OR PHONE T J CONLIN field representative THE UNION CENTRAL LWE LIFE INSURANCE CO BOX POCATELLO IDAHO I F A J W in t store 5 from C oust 0 coasts elala ani pint masri according to code no an unbiased survey of independent package pint code ill stores sponsored by leading distillers quart code AMERICAS AMERICA S biggest bi agest selling control in the worlds largest whiskey TEN HIGHS distillery are the secret of TEN we csc amazing record made HIGHS possible perfectly balanced ff because TEN HIGH bourbon wati WW ax ti gives double value for the discover taste for yourself why money because 9 1 TEN HIGH TEN HIGH is americas america favorite 3 TEN HIGH I 1 G really does double your en whiskey double your enjoyment da its flavor is doubly rich today with TEN HIGH you doubly can buy TEN HIGH at straight bourbon whiskey VM 90 proof satisfying smooth because stores and taverns all all rough edges over the are kept nation out strict methods of hiram walker sons distilling inc peoria illinois LIGHT LUNCHES AND conf confectionery echi onery TRY A BOWL or OP OUR DELICIOUS CHILI the T he blue ribbon JAI i b b 0 n I 1 IT REGU REGULAR LAR BLOOD bloode aK HOUNDS 14 afler r customers Cu our want ads be W 11 e R 21 edi 1 good taste and gaiety g or r reflected in the pleasant plea sinT I 1 pe quality and brilliant brill fla 0 vors of these choice choai I 1 ID wines i whito port sherry rod bod port muscatel tokay tol ay black angelica paulc Saut emot E clarett clarol 1 brandit alcohol 20 by volo vol volu o fAl tAl cohol 12 to ll 11 by I 1 90 50 proof at utah liquor stores and d package agencies arl A j V 16 aop dern ma N JL 11 JL FOODS FOR B IPA TT OR AND ASEE JR da I 1 T a THE SHERWOOD Z A great value built to th electr ce vy porcelain fuM enamel insulated oven many other beatres fe atres lamp condiment set and timer bloc extras telluride de power powe co we |