Show R H S holds opening Assem assembly the opening assembly at the richfield high school was held friday before an enthusiastic student body which has now quite out grawn grawin the size of the auditorium at the school A AT maughan principal conducted the program the school song richfield hig high h was di directed i acted by H D christensen music music instructor J W olsen offered the opening prayer mr air christensen and coach joe buys played a violin duet and wm win B mccoard dramatic art teacher gave a clever talk on summer experiences referring especially to his vis visit it to the chinese theatre in san fi francisco an cisco standards and reg regulations 11 for the school year were presented by mr Maug maughan ban dr markus again demonstrated his unfailing interest in the school by attending the assembly and presenting his annual gift to the school library this year the contribution was six volumes of a nature library the introduction of teachers by mr air maughan and a s selection election by the school chorus concluded the program |