Show IA L 1 70 new telephones today MORE telephones MORE PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH QUICKLY today you can reach 70 more telephones throughout the mountain states territory than you could yesterday tomorrow 70 more will be available during each hour ot of every working day approximately nine more will be added for at the end of october the number of telephones installed in the Moun mountain taid states had been about 70 a day throughout this year perhaps you may have no reason to call any of these new telephones today but tomorrow one of them may provide a contract that Is most necessary to your business your salesmen may call some come of these now new subscribers subscribe ru to sell by telo phone some may be manufacturers of products you nood need others may be local merchants who enable you to reach the consumer the now new telephones which will be installed in the mountain states territory this year mean more people you can reach quickly more things that can bo be quickly and satisfactorily accomplished by telephone with each working day additional offices and homes are linked together by the fastest las test most personal means of communication each day increases the value and usefulness of your telephone thanksgiving i thoro there are certain days in the year F ta r when we all like to be at home anh one la Is thanksgiving it if you are un SW wiS able to be with your family exchange ibea abb greetings by telephone perhaps you rabb rj BB will want tr invite friends or rela betska BEtS KB tives from out of town to have din Ij gl ner with you telephone its tho the quickest and most personal way of communicating your invitation the mountain stat 5 telephone telegraph company delinquent NOTICE fremont irrigation co principal place of business loa wayne county utah november 16 1929 there are delinquent on account of assessment on the capital stock of the fremont irrigation go co a cor horation po ration the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective stockholders as follows samuel F allen alien 1403 levi brinkerhoff B J baker charles bullard 70 milton chidester 70 joseph eckersley intermountain intel mountain life insurance co 1775 moroni harris henry albrecht 30 john jackson jr union central life ins co 16 1689 89 W S mcclellan st of ut scott goff W C potter jr W C potter sr sidney rymer T lester riddle louisa sander 2206 preston taylor 1740 levi A taylor henry white st of ut jacob white and in accordance with the law and by order of the board of directors so many shares as may bo be necessary to pay for the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale will be sold at public auction at my office at loa utah on the first day of december 1929 at 11 a rn unless payment is made before JOHN R STEWART 47 48 treasurer I 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of carl tuft deceased creditors will present claims claim with vouchers against the above estate to the undersigned undersigner under signed administratrix at monroe utah on or before march barch 25 1930 LYDIA A TUFT 47 50 administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of margaret A gledhill hilI deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers against the above estate to the undersigned undersigner under signed administrator at richfield utah on or before january 25 1930 JOHN E GLEDHILL 47 50 administrator NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah november 7 1929 notice is hereby given that R J dalley dailey and geo F buchanan whose post office addresses are teasdale utah have made application in accordance cor dance with the requirements of the session laws of utah 1919 to 1929 inclusive to appropriate 3 c f s of water from boulder creek in wayne county utah said water is ig to be diverted at a point which bears ft S and ft W from the NE cor of sec 83 33 T 29 S R 4 E S L B M and conveyed a distance of ft where it will be used from april 1st ast to october of each year for the irrigation of acres of land embraced in the NENE see sec 21 sec 22 sec 26 T 29 S R 4 E S L B al this application is designated in the state engineers office as file no all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of 0 o and an d filed ed in this office within thirty hirt 30 days after the completion on of th the publication of this notice GEO M BACON state engineer date of first publication november 14 1929 date of completion of publication december 12 1929 46 50 delinquent NOTICE monroe irrigation co coy y principal place of business monroe MorL roe utah ut ah november 13 1929 there are delinquent on acco account of assessment levied on october 16 15 1929 the several amounts set appo 1 site the names of the respective shareholders as follows name shares amount fred bohman 19 chas bohman 25 1260 1250 A W bohman 20 1000 milbourne me demill 48 2400 R A furgersen Fur gensen 4 F B goold 30 1600 1500 arthur hall 36 1800 jos H jensen 39 1960 1950 lorena larsen 9 1 ole larsen 50 50 2600 2500 hyrum madsen 78 soren madsen 60 2760 2750 orson magleby 60 2750 beraldo nielson 16 N H nielson 29 1476 1475 ole K olsen 62 2700 emil swindle 40 2000 thos simonsen Sun onsen 85 1750 heber swindle 6 cleve winget 39 1950 glen winget 12 newel winget 25 2775 chas 25 1250 and in accordance with law and by order of the board of directors so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at my office in monroe utah saturday november 30 1929 at the hour of 2 p in to pay for the delinquent assessment ses together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale unless settlement is made before JAMES BROWN 46 47 secretary NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF stockholders to the stockholders of the home acceptance cep tance corporation a utah corporation po ration notice is hereby given that a special stockholders meeting will he be held at the commercial club rooms at richfield utah on the ath day of december A D 1929 at the hour of 8 p in for the purpose of am mending article IV of the articles of incorporation of the said corporation and voting on the increased capitalization in the amount of by the said corp corpo orain rawn and for such other business that may legally come before the said cor 1 horation po ration by order of the president and di rectors directors B C LUTH 46 48 secretary AUTO GLASS WORK IS A SPECIALTY WITH US we are equipped for grinding and polishing edges of your windshields wind shields and door glosa glass EXPERT SERVICE reasonable PRICES christensen bros mills 60 west ath south phone richfield utah U ir S I 1 U h a 11 1 1 a t Is affer an U C t r I 1 C E I 1 N I 1 S T 11 sio WEEK IN A only a few days to take advantage of TIRE FIVE DOLLA 1111 aliw WF WN MLA VT which brings this wonderful convenience into your hoac before christmas with 0 ca ALL installation CHARGES PAID 0 and 18 months in which to pay the balance with your electric light bills automatic and come in at once and this modern electric range with the JIM J IM slight many new de features a modern range for the modern additional cost act now for there are only a few days left Hal point thrift cooker generous allowance for your old range AuW matic temperature Temper aturo control d thor Hot high speed broiler pan calrol unit I 1 I 1 dale Y ca GM 7 te ur m F za L RIME T |