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Show UTAH ANDJTAHNS! L. J. Muir, mayor of Bountiful and j principal ot the Davis County High school, has been selected by Governor I Bamberger as state superintendent of j public instruction, to succeed George X. Child, who will resign that office June 30 to become superintendent of the schools of Salt Lake. Plans for the twenty-seventh annual commencement of the Utah Agricultural Agricul-tural college, at I.ogan, which will be held May 29 to 31 inclusive, include the unveiling of a memorial tablet dedicated ded-icated to students who lost their lives during the world war, and appropriate memorial services. War savings stamps belonging to Francis Coolldge of Ogden were found by Los Angeles authorities in the possession pos-session of Cyril A. Nick, who was arrested ar-rested in Los Angeles when bis suitcase suit-case fell from a transfer truck and burst open, disgorging' $400 worth of silverware. The first authenticated instance of a badger having been infected with hydrophobia in Utah, so far as is known to the state board of health, has caused John Olson of Vernon, in Tooele county, to undergo the Pasteur preventive treatment in Salt Lake. Weber county's assessed valuation this year, according to the report of the county assessor,' is $49,014,760, which is about 15 per cent increase over the total assessed valuation of $42,983,015 last year. Approximately 1000 persons attended a benefit concert held in the Assembly hall at Salt Lake in behalf of the suffering suf-fering and destilute members of the L. D. S. church iu the Swiss and German Ger-man mission. Automobile transportation for Boy Scouts making the caravan trip to Bryce and Little Zion canyons this summer will be supplied through the efforts of . the Utah State Automobile association. Merchants of Ogden will lie urged to decorate the fronts of their stores with the national colors May 31, .Tune 1 ant 2 when the annual convention of the American Legion of the state will he held there. Millard county drainage district Xo. 2, embracing 22,000 acres, will have been completely drained this year, it is announced. The land is adapted to the cultivation of sugar beets, alfalfa and grain. A community clinic will be established estab-lished iu Ogden in the near future, under the auspices of llie Medical society, so-ciety, 'and a committee of physicians has been authorized to arrange the details. Twenty-five miles of the Wendover highway, where it crosses the mud flats on the eastern side of the Great Salt Lake desert, have been graded and will be completed within ten days. L. Barra, 39 years of age, is held by the police at Salt Lake on suspicion, of having, with a fellow countryman, swindled Sieve Petkovich out of $1900 by the "box trick" on April 7. Ernest Pennywell, a switchman employed em-ployed by the Oregon Short Line, was instantly killed while coupling cars at Salt Lake, being caught between two cars and crushed. Charged with stealing a diamond ring valued at $250 while washing windows win-dows at an apartment house in Ogden, Eddie Thorngreu, aged 22, is iu jail awaiting trial. Bids for the building of twenty miles of road in eastern Utah, extending from Price to Castle Dale, will lie received re-ceived by the state highway commission. commis-sion. Louis Provatitris, wanted in Astoria, Ore., on a charge of forgery, is iu the county jail in Salt Lake awaiting ex l.i.; T ,,-.ir. .IPI'O.'f.lpl 111 P.inr- 'itUUlUIl. -lie " ao a am. Trail through the Ashley, Uintah and Wasatch forests is planned for this year to open up many scenic beauties now inaccessible. Knights of Pythias from all parts of Utah were iu Salt Lake the fore part of the week to attend the annual convention of that order. Kealtors will use their efforts to have the Utah legislature enact a state license law for dealers in real estate nt the next session. A fire of unknown origin broke out nt the home of Eugene Titus at Park City, and the home and its contents were destroyed. Miss Eleanor llarhcke. of Salt Lake, while serving as a nurse in the U. S. navy, met deatli by drowning at I'en-sacola. I'en-sacola. Fin. Cold weather has greatly retarded the growth on the Alpine. Pleasant Grove and American Fork ranges. Tooele county's total assessed valuation valua-tion this year is $1 1,310.815. as compared com-pared with $11,141,149 last year. The assessed valuation of Salt Lake City this year is $189.20,4.11X1, as against $170.7G2,S92 last year. Taxable property of Boxelder county j increased this year almost $2,000,000 more than last year. Information is being compiled at the L. D. S. historian's office concerning j ; missionaries of the L. D. S. church who i ' have died while performing mission-: mission-: ary labors. Andrew Jenson. assistant I church historian, has already received i data concerning lt such deaths. ' Goats figure in returns of assessor, this year for the first time. Heretofore Hereto-fore '.lie animals have been counted with tin sheep. Throe counties reported re-ported hist week 3994 goals, with a total value of $21.i',10. Garfield county coun-ty reported (id: Washington county and Wayne county 19-S |