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Show QUALITY TAILORING C. M. Petersen Your Tailor i ' WASATCH MERC. CO. "GOOD GOODS" Fordson Tractor ED. SUMNER If you want a good looking Hat Come to Box & Clark MILLINERY STORE WE DO REAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Seely-Hinckley AutO; Co. LET Ed. Johnston Supply you for what ails you. QUALITY COUNTS and you always get it at Sanpete County Co-op. QUALITY DRY GOODS, SHOES AND CLOTHING J. C. Penney Company Let Us Make Your Nest. Quality, Service and Fair Prices. Consolidated Furniture Co. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Vacum Cleaners, Motors, Wash Machines, Chandeliers, Lamps, Heating Heat-ing Appliances. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Estimates Furnished. Work gauran-teed. gauran-teed. Larsen Bldg. Phone 177 TYGERSON & STEEL. G. F. BOHNE Sanitary Plumber and Tinner SI. Pleasant, ... Utah. THIS WILL ASTONISH MT. PLEASANT PEOPLE. The quick action of simple witch-hazel, witch-hazel, camphor, Hydrastis, etc., as mixed In Lavoptik eye wash, will surprise sur-prise Mount Pleasant people. One girl with weak, strained eyes was helped by a single application. Her mother could hardly sew or read because be-cause of eye pains. In one week she too was benefited. We guarantee a small bottle of Lavoptik to help ANY CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes Aluminum eye cup FREE. Ed. Johnston, druggist. Sold in Moroni by J. w. Christensen, Jr. druggist. Advt. WANTED Men or Women to take orders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children. chil-dren. Eliminates darning. We pay 50 cents an hour for spare time or $24 a week for full time. Experience Ex-perience unnecessary. Write, International Stocking Mill, Norristown, Pa. WANTED Hides and Pelts; also fat hogs. Pay Top prices. Loran Stewart, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. l-2tf. FOR SALE Cheap if taken at once. A Good house and lot with good water right and 4 0 acres of good dry land, all broken up. Address MART TAYLOR Box 162, Freedom, Utah. PRIVATE NURSF Call Mrs. E. G. Mills. Telephone No. 1 5-j-3. Floral Designs and CUT FLOWERS Send to LEHI FLORAL CO., Lehi. FORSALE 31 acres of beet land, and 30 shares of water under Wales Reservoir for $3,000.00. Easy terms Dr. Byron Rees, Templeton Bldg., Salt Lake City or Thos. D. Rees, Wales. 2-27-4L TRY A Small Ad in The Pyramid. It will bring good results. TYGERSON AND STEEL Electrical Contractors. Extimates on all work. See our new line of lights. Vaciuni Sweepers for rent $1.50 per day. FOR SALE At a Bargin: 13 acres of land with 7 acres of water one half mile east of Moroni adjoining adjoin-ing county road and beet road. For information, apply to Alva Frandsen.' Gunnison Uttah. 5-15 HIDES HIGHEST PRICES PAID for hides, pelts and furs. Phone or write me before you dispose of your hides It means better results for you. See Harry Mednick, Mt. Pleasant or Phone 78. 5-1. LOST A bunch of keys east of. town. Finder return to this office. Reward. FOR SALE One saddle horse 7 years old, weight about 1000 pounds also one Army Saddle. See S. M. Neilsen. Lost A log chain somewhere on 6th South and State Street. Finder return to Roy White. FOR SALE Four room house, good barn and out building on lot, 1 1-2 blocks from Main street. Apply to J. B. Staker, Sr., Mt. Pleasant. WANTED 500 Tons Scrap Iron Machine Iron $28.00 Ton Stone Iron $18.00 Ton PROVO FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO PROVO, UTAH. TO LEASE For one or five years two hundred and forty acres of grazing graz-ing land just west of City of Fountain Foun-tain Green, Utah. Apply to J. E. Leslie. Ferron Emery Co., Utah. FOR SALE Heating stove, small .cook stove, oil stove, new wash stand Baby Carriage, and inlaid linoleum. Mrs. H. F. Wall. FOR SALE CHEAP Hay suits able for dry cattle. Phone 44fll J. C. Wyatt, Manager. R. Newbould Late of New Grand Hotel Catering to the -Assist. Mgr. Commercial Family. Theatrical trade SEMLOH HOTEL 2nd. South and state Streets. 250 RooniN Rates: $1.00 per day and up. We have 100 rooms at $l.no single and $1.50 double. Rooms with bath $1.50 single, and $2.50 double. SPECIAL RATES ItY THE WEEK OR MONTH. PROFESSIONAL CARDS f J. W. CHERRY ' i Attoiney-at-Law ! Office in Lamont Building I Telephone No. 4 tl. I Mt. Pleasant, - - - Vtah. j CLAUD W. BURQUIST Altorney-al-Law Office Second floor of Ericksen I Block. Notary Public iu office. I Telephone No. 7 9. Mt. Pleasant, - - - Utah. j i ALBERT L. LARSEN Attoiney-al-Law t Lamont Building Mt. rieasant, - - - Utah. W. P. WINTERS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Proprietor Winters General Hospital. Hos-pital. Office at hospital. 1 blk. S. of Main on 1st. West. Phone 55 Mt. Pleasant, - - - Utah. 0. SUNDWALL, M. D. Physician ami Surgeon Office in Wasatch Block Office hours: 2 to 5 P. M. Phone Office, No.7. Phone Residence, No. 91. Mt. Pleasant, ... Utah. H. F. Syndergaard, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence, opposite Tost Office. Telephone 5S. Mt. Pleasant, ... Utah. f DR. D. D. TEBBS I Dentist ' ' Telephone No. 7. Second Floor, Wasatch Building Mt. Pleasant, - - - Utah. . , . L. A. PHILLIPS, D. D. S. DENTIST Office in Candland Building Mount Pleasant, - - - Utah. , , DR. E. A. PAXMAN ' Dentist Appointment by mail or Phono Commercial Rank Ruildiug. PROVO, .... UTAH. DR. R. A. BURCH ' Dentist 260 Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah. . , DRS. ANDERSON and Peterson Surgeons and Consultants Offices 203-8 Templeton i Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah. Consult Us About Your Eyes We are specialists in the science or Optometry; can diagnose any case of defective vision with unerring accuracy ac-curacy and fit glaBsas that will conquer con-quer it completely. Our mothod is safe, certain druglesa and perfect results re-sults are obtained in every Instance. Always here to serve you promptly md in a manner that will be to your complete satisfaction. Dr. E. G. Mills ATTENTION A I TO OWNERS The Seeloy-Hinckley Automobile Co. is handling the Product of Federal Fed-eral Chemical Works of Chicago. Don't grumble about high cost of ga.solinci'AHKolino until you have tried out, their gas treated with the tablets according to directions. The cost. Is small and you get the pep you should have when handling (lie car. Help save the gas by using Uasavers and you will he, delighted the way your engine nuns. G-8. FOR SALE Unlit Second Hand Delivery Wagon, -('heap. lOrlckscn Meat &. Grocery Company. From Youth to Old Age You tli thinks the road long. Age knows it lias been short- Also, Age can sec wherein it might belter have, provided for comfort while the vigor of Youth remained. j THE SAVING OF YOUTH ARE THE i COMFORTS OF AGE. ' Start t hilt Saving Account now, while your strength in unabated. ' Add to it week after week. It will prove your friend if the evil days should come. A Savings Account with this bank has a growth of its own Interest. We respectfully solicit your account. I HI. PLM COMMERCIAL 8 SAVINGS BANK |