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Show LOCAL HUB CLUB TENDERS BANQUET TO NEW MEMBERS The Hub Club of this city tendered tender-ed a banquet last evening at Hotel 'Marie to its new members, who were formerly received into the organization. organiza-tion. ! At a recent membership drive 'made by the club the organization was successful in doubling its numbers. num-bers. Thirty more were added to the club during the past few weeks. There are now about seventy members mem-bers in all who belong to the city's j 'boosters. There is, however, a few I' more vacant spots to be filled. The (club could enroll every progressive citizen in Mount Pleasant, and still have room for others who might wish to join. The club says " come in don't wait, there is much to be done for Mount -Pleasant." President R. H. Hinckley called the members together and after they were seated at the banquet Judge 'Cherry was introduced as Toastmas-t'er Toastmas-t'er of the evening. The Judge made good in every event. After explaining explain-ing to the new members what the club was for, he introduced J. H. Hornung, R. II. Hinckley and Commander Com-mander J. M. Westwood of the Indian In-dian War Veterans. Toasts were given by these gentlemen. ! Later in the evening Mr. Hornung addressed the Club members on 'the rail road situation and explained explain-ed how serious it really was. Following Fol-lowing Mr. Hornung the special speaker of the evening arrived from Salt Lake City and Dr. Charles G. 'Plumer was introduced and he made ,'a splendid talk upon co-operation of the big town with th'e IHMe town land continued the spirit of the big brotherly movement. Dr. riumer is 'a great naturalist and part of his time was devoted to the scenic wonders wond-ers of Utah and the Boy Scout work. The meeting was a profitable one to all who attended. . |