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Show THANKSGIVING DAY The old time-honored custom of observing a special day of thanksgiving thanksgiv-ing and praise was solemnized again this year on Thursday the 1 5th of November. The President of the United States in his official capacity designated this day as such, and It became the duty of all loyal citizens to regard it as far as their circumstances circum-stances would permit. As Individual members of this glorious Nation the most blessed of earth we should be happy Indeed for the freedom that we enjoy, and for abundance that has been showered shower-ed upon us by an Alwise and Merciful Merci-ful Father. "Give me liberty or give me death" has an echo in every true American heart, and this liberty which we enjoy, is one of the vital principles that upholds and sustains this Nation of ours. For this wonderful won-derful blessing from God, above all , others, the American people are indeed in-deed grateful. This nation is composed of a good people. Wherever one goes, he meets those who are just, honorable and God-fearing, and although there may be dilTerenes of opinion as to the way of salvation, yet nearly all men and women are perfectly willing, will-ing, that others should worship or believe as they please, and that, too, without any hinderance. All have . voice directly or Indirectly In the affairs of the government. The people may decide the nature of the laws necessary for their peace and happiness: they may choose who shall preside over them and execute these laws. The very basic principles princi-ples of this Nation are founded upon religious and political freedom, and well, under the guidance of a loving Father, has it been maintained, and so shall it ever be as long as its citizens citi-zens live honorable and uprinht lives. By so doing there is a natural natur-al love within the hearts of all toward to-ward all others, and a desire to grant them that freedom and liberty that they themselves desire to enjoy. oucn an expression or love and peace that is manifest everywhere, w!thin the confines of our country, is sulTieient evidence, to all the world it feer.is to us, that here dwells a God-fearing, and liberty-loving people. peo-ple. We only wish that this spirit were diffused among all nations, that "Peace on earth and good will toward to-ward men" may he Bpeedily brought about. Besides the peace and liberty that we enjoy, we have also been blessed with the materia! things of life all of which have added to our happiness. happi-ness. The flocks and herds upon the thousand hills have been multiplied; multi-plied; fruits and grains have been produced in plenty, not only in suf-fi'ient suf-fi'ient rjti.intities to snstaln ourselves, our-selves, he it to assist others; flowers and vegetation have everywhere sprung forth to increv.se. our Joy, and nature has smiled upon us to bless. Thee and all others are the gifts of our Heavenly Father and upon this occasion of thanksgiving we acknowledge ac-knowledge the soi-f-e. I May our people hold out the olive branch of peace to all mankind, that they too, may enjoy the liberty that is ours; may we continue with In-crT.se- vigor to be Industrious, to help others, to gain knowledge and wisdom, that we may become a nKht to all other Nations, that they may bask in the rays of light and liberty; such as America enjoys. j Upon this appointed day the A-' meric.-in people bowed Ih reverence before the Giver of all good, and acknowledged ac-knowledged the source of these manifold man-ifold Messing which we as American citizens enjoy, for all of which we give thanks to God, the Eternal Father. rr |