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Show FAIR VIEW Mr. Roland Pritchett who is attending at-tending the B. Y. University, came home for Thanksgiving. Miss Olena OlSen went to Salt Lake to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. re-latives. A primary danc? was given Weu-nesday Weu-nesday evening. Those attending dressed as Pioneers. A number of family dinners are planned to be given on Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing day. Mr. and Mrs. George Bench and daughter Etta of Manti are guests at the home of John L. Bench. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sanderson who have spent the past eummer at Og-den, Og-den, returned to Fairview this week. They will spenu the winter hero. Mrs. Heber Pherson went to Salt Lake City Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Brady Sr., who have spent the past two months visiting relatives in Idaho and at Union, returned this week. Emery Davidson of Bridger, Wyoming, Wy-oming, who is attending the B. Y. V. came to Fairview to spend Thanksgiving. Thanks-giving. Thanksgiving programs wer-i given giv-en in nearly all the grades of the public schools on Wednesday. Many of the parents weie out to hear them. A basketball game will be played at the Pavilion November 25, between be-tween the North Sanpete high school and the Fairview team. After the game a grand ball will be given under un-der the auspices of the Mutuals. A drama, "The Daughter of the Desert," will be presented by members mem-bers of the Relief Society Friday evening, November 26. The proceeds will go to the missionaries now in the field. Everybody is expected to be out and help the good work along. The ladies' Literary club met at the home of Mrs. S. P. Melgaara Wednesday, November 17. Home recipes re-cipes were given by Mrs. S. A. Carter. "Home Nursing" was read by Mrs. Vern Sanderson and discussed by members. A Thanksgiving story was given by Mrs. A. U. Miner. Ten members enjoyed the cosial hour and delicious refreshments served. Louise, the eight-year-old daughter daugh-ter of Mrs. Mart Bohne, was operated upon at the Winters hospital Friday for appendicitis and died on Sunday morning. Funeral services were held in the L. D. S. chapel Tuesday. Music Mus-ic was furnished by the ward choir. beautiful quartette was also given by choir members. The speakers were Dr Edmunds and Bishop H. P. Hanson who offered words of comfort com-fort to those bereaved. The school children of her grade were all in attendance and many beautiful flowers flow-ers were given. |