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Show IPOILWNOIEC Clean soiled eggs. Get a reputation for selling fresh eggs. Do not keep eggs in a cellar or damp place. Let the old roosters go before they eat their heads off. - About ten ducks are required to make a pound of feathers. If chicken keeping doesn't pay don't be in too big a hurry to blame the chickens. Goose feathers being more oily are apt to sooner turn rancid than chicken chick-en feathers. Crude carbolic acid and coal oil make a fine disinfectant. Use a continuous con-tinuous sprayer. A sovereign remedy for limberneck is four drops of turpentine in a tea-spoonful tea-spoonful of water. Charcoal is a wonderful tonic at this time. See that the fowls get all they want of it to eat. Poultry breeders need to know as much of the breeding worth of a fowl as cattle breeders of a bull. The man with a fine lot of young chickens to sell, now is the one who has a smile that won't come off. One sick chicken soon infects a whole flock. It is always safest to remove re-move a bird at first signs of illness. The essentials of poultry raising ire cleanliness and close attention, coupled with hard work and common com-mon sense. Supply hens with plenty of crushed syster shell. The shells costs fittle and means much if It's winter eggs you ore working for. The hens relish green food of some sort and will amply repay you for the trouble of chopping up cabbage, potato pota-to peelings, turnips, etc. Any egg eaters In the flock? Make the nests as dark as possible; that will help. If that doesn't discourage the culprit, sharpen up the ax. In the long continuous poultry building build-ing it Is desirable that an alley way be provided for the sake of convenl- ence In passing through the building |