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Show A Wireless Telegraph Station Will Soon be Established In Our city will soon have a modern wireless telegraph station sta-tion in full operation. Contracts Contrac-ts have been closed with eastern east-ern managers to have complete apparatus, tranamitting and receiving stations, batteries, etc., brought here and put in working order, uad entertainly demonstrated by an expert, Prof. Win. B. Patty. He will come Thursday Feb. 20th, and on that night at. the Mt. Pleasant Pleas-ant Opera louse will send and receive wireless messages in fuU view of the audience, ring bells 'at a distance, start motors manipulate signals, and electric J lights, and give a comprehensive comprehen-sive demontration of the pre- sent uses of this much talked of ! discovery, as well as explaining ! its possibilities warfare, train j despatching, etc. On the same evening will te shown the wonders of Radium and Liquid Air, Mr. Patty bring ing a supply of those materials and apparatus for actual experiments. ex-periments. A large house is already al-ready assured for the occasion and it is expected that-hundreds will improve this rare opportunity op-portunity to form a delightful acquaintance with these scien tific marvels. |