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Show IDAHO RICHER IS HELD FOR RANSOM FAYMENT OF SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS GOLD DEMANDED FOR HIS RELEASE. Tnken From Ranch Forty Miles East cf Idaho Falls by Bandits Be- lieved to be Headed by Notorious No-torious Hugh Whitney. Idaho Fulls. Idaho. Bandits are holding for ransom E. A. Kmpey, one of ihe wealthiest ranchers in eastern Idaho, whom thoy captured on July 17 on a loiudy mountain road forty miles east of here. Six thousand dollars is the price 'the handits name as the ransom for their prisoner. If this sum is not paid, the bandits announce, Empey will he killed. I'nder the leadership of the sheriff of Bonneville county, scores of cow-hoys cow-hoys and cattlemen of eastern Idaho are scouring the hills in the rough country on the Wyoming-Idaho line searching for the rendezvous of the medieval bandits. Kmpey was captured just at dusk Saturday evening. He was walking along a mountain road going from the Timber Tops ranch in Long valley to his home ranch. Accompanying him were his 10-year-old son and a boy named Carson, about 17 years old. From behind a boulder in a turn in the road a man stepped out In front of them, holding a pistol in either hand. Aiming both pistols at the trio he commanded them to throw up . their bauds. They obeyed. The bandit ban-dit then ordered them to march in front of him. After they had turned around another bend, the bandit handed hand-ed to the boys a letter which had been prepared in advance. He told them to take the letter and go home without with-out stopping to look back. From the cool and deliberate manner man-ner in which the bandit captured Kmpey Km-pey and the peremptory demand he made for ransom, many of the cattlemen cattle-men in this section assign the crime to the long list already chargeable to Hugh Whi'ney, the intrepid deeper- j ado, murderer, road agent and train robber, whose name has long terrorized terror-ized the people of this section or the country. |