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Show SUGAR FACTORY FOR SANPETE W. C. A. Smoot and James P. j Sprint appeared in Mount Pleasant this week in the interest of a great sugar factory which is proposed to be erected in Sanpete Valley somewhere some-where between Mount Pleasant and Moroni. The gentlemen inform us that it is iup to the farmers and business bus-iness men whether Sanpete shall have a sugar factory or let it pass by to some one else. A meeting was held last night at the North Ward Chapel at which many farmers attended and heard what the gentlemen wished to tell them. It was decided to call another meeting for next Thursday and get a large representative number of farmers far-mers present and push the move along. Meetings will be held during the week at Spring City July 2 3, Moroni July 27, Chester July 28, Fountain Green July 2 9. Meetings for Eph-raim, Eph-raim, Manti and Gunnison have not at present been arranged. It should be the . utmost desire of every farmer and business man in the valley to bring this matter into a reality. |