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Show MRS. GEDDES WINS SUIT. Jury Declares Albert Geddes Eccles is Son ot Late Sugar King. Ogden. I'tah. A jury in the Second district court on Friday declared Albert Al-bert Geddes F.ccles to be a son of the la'.e Pavid Kccles and heir to one thirty-third of the millions left by t!u sugar and lumber king of I'tah. According Ac-cording to the various estimates of the Kccles estate the boy's fortune as a resu.t of the decision, may be from $-'i"Ui.ii to $tai.lH'il. Mrs. Geddes declared "the verdict is a just one. God has aided us in our tight and 1 feel very grateful to Him and the good men who have given us so much assistance." It is understood the case will be appeah d by the del. -use. |