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Show UTAH SmfTEWS Brigham City will sink a number o( wells in Mantua for the purpose of increasing in-creasing its water supply. There were fifty-four prisoners in the city jail at Ogden on July 4, and this is declared to be a record number. num-ber. The last of the steel to be used in the extension of the Orem line from Provo to Spriugville, was laid on June 3. J. T. Haines has been chosen to succeed suc-ceed the late Lewis A. Merrill as secretary sec-retary of the state conservation commission. com-mission. The seventeenth annual reunion of the Welsh people of Utah and adja-"ent adja-"ent states and territories will be held at Saltair on Tuesday, July 13. Hyrum M. . Keene, pioneer hotel m;in of the west and veteran of the civil war, died of general debility at his home in Salt Lake, July 4. The farmers of Box Elder county are elated over present prospects for a big crop of grain. The season has been ideal from all points of view. Frank Seeley, a railway conductor, whose home was in Salt Lake, was killed at Whitehouse, Colo., when his train was side swiped by a freight train. 'Negotiations are being carried on for the making of a traffic agreement between the Denver & Rio Grande and the Ogden, Logan & Idaho line running run-ning from Ogden to Preston, Idaho. A. J. Knollin, vice-president of the National Woolgrowers' association, says that wool and lamb markets are the best in years, and indications are that they will remain that way this year. Reed Larsen of Garfield, 16 years' of age, died at a Salt Lake hospital as the result of a bullet wound in the abdomen, inflicted by accident in the course of a Fourth of July celebration. cele-bration. Fully 500 new settlers have come into the San Juan country in southeastern south-eastern Utah this spring and summer; in .one week 32,000 acres of land were located for homestead in the dry farm section. A fire at Payson "which destroyed a barn containing thirty tons of hay, several sets of harness, a new wagon and many farm tools , was the result of work by a 6-year-old boy with matches. Report of the central finance board of Salt Lake charities covering transactions trans-actions since its inception last October Oc-tober to July 1 shows that total contributions con-tributions paid or pledged amounted to $22,048.68. The Odd Fellows are preparing for a big celebration at Salt Lake on July 29, it being the fiftieth anniversary or the order in Utah. At least 5,000 members are expected to take part in the celebration. The normal rainfall for June was exceeded by .67 of an inch for June of the present year, according to the monthly weather report issued by th Salt Lake office of the United States weather bureau. Governor Edward F. Dunne of Illinois, Illin-ois, his wife and two daughters, members mem-bers of his staff and officials of the state department, numbering in all thirty-one, will visit Salt Lake Friday morning, July 30. Peter J. Tailon, mayor of Park City, and one of the best known and most popular men in the great silver camp, passed away at a Salt Lake hospital on July 4. Mayor Tallon's death was caused by appendicitis. Emil Iho, a Finlander, 40 years of age, is at a Salt Lake hospital in a critical condiLion as a result of having hav-ing drilled into a "missed hole" while at work in the underground workings of a Bingham mine. One of the old original mule cars that served for sti'eet transportation In Salt Lake in early days will be a feature of the parade to be given during dur-ing the Wizard of the Wasatch carnival carni-val week, July 21 to 24. Disbursements in all funds for the month of June from the office of the state treasurer exceeded the total receipts re-ceipts by $364,411.60 and the total balance cash on hand in the treasury June 30 was $1,214,962.46. William Jennings Bryan, former secretary of state in President Wilson's Wil-son's cabinet, was in Ogden with Mrs. Bryan for twenty minutes on July 2. He was reticent concerning national and international subjects. Mrs. Earl Stewart of Salt Lake is charged with shooting David S. Emery, aged 9, when he and thret other boys were stealing green apples from the Stewart place. The Emery boy was only slightly wounded. That the indeterminate sentence statute enacted by the legislature of 1913 is invalid and unconstitutional is considered to be the effect of a decision rendered by Judge F. C. Lootbourow at Salt Lake in granting a writ of habeas corpus in the case of Sheldon C. Mutart, a prisoner In the state penitentiary. The harvesting of grain in Box Elder El-der county will begin within ten days on dry land farms in many part of the county. Irrigated grain is later. Threshing is scheduled to start in about a month in many portions of the county, especially in the higher farming sections. Elmer Gilgren. 6 years old. probably will have his leg amputated at the knee as the result of an accident that occurred at Logan when he tried to climb into a passing wagon and fell into the wheel. The child's leg vas torn nearly off. |