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Show Sweet Refreshment Vfllu there you have a t cew of Spear Head s&t in two words. That wonderful flavor of Spear Head is as delightfully de-lightfully refreshing1 as it is deliciously good the richest, mellowest, mellow-est, tastiest chew in the whole world. plug" tobacco , . 13 the choicest- of all red Burley, hand-stemmed and s. made into mellow-sweet Sv plugs in one of the clean- v est, most sanitary plug W factories in existence. Chew Spear Head and IPFiX you'n be chewing the t3S&ly. Purest and most satis" flllRsIfc fyin& tobacco that it's V THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Miss Eva Elvin an Ma-' ;. .Mho i Mrs. Will Rasraussen went to P.in:,-l.Ivin P.in:,-l.Ivin erf Sandy are viii i ; i'rienls in ham yesterday where she expects to Y a Tvftv. mfcke her home. i Vz LOT FOR SALE, BLOCK ' east or High Suliool. H. F. Wall. 7-9 tf j AUTO.MOHII.K lllUK XFW A !.'-to !.'-to at reasonable prices. Ar.ilre.v Ty-gerson. Ty-gerson. Tlie bst Klfutric Washer on the Market fur only S-Ij-im). Wall and iy gerson. SEVERAL (J HEAT RARCAIXS n second hur.d -Vulonal cash registers, regist-ers, all size?. (',.-...! Grorhell. lit!) State St. Salt Licke City, Ft. 5-21 If We now sell ST-ipht Grade flour .t the Mill at :.imi per nunc red, and Uu less in 5ni) pound lo's. Mr. Pleasant Mill Co. FOR SALE A TEAM OF .MARES, 6 yrs; one new John Deere u;on, one John Reere Snlkv nlo.v; al- -o set of harness. Victor T. Pater: Ml. Pleasant. 7-J:! t!'. FOR CUT FLOWEH3 Or Floral Dt-siKiis Semi to the LEHI I-LOItAL CO., Lohi, Phone 1U3-J. (irove?s ol' very choice Flower. GOOD ROAR!) AND ROOM '') liner li-ner of 2nd S. and Slate streets. Rates 'o students, or those with extended time. 8-1 2 tf l Ol'M) a diamond block l." pit; ; and a bunch of keys. ! 1 Oil SALE CHK.-M !!!!!! One complete Rochester Camera out lit, large size. Will sell for less than half. Merlin Anderson, Progress Merc. Co., Ml. Pleasant. Utah. t)-2"tt' .HH XT 1LK S.'.NT DKUG'HST PLEASES (.TSTOMERS Ed. Johnston, druggist, reports cus:onieis greatly pleased with the Ql'li'K action of simple huskihorn hai'k. glycerine, etc., as rnL.ed in A.dier-i-ka. This simple remedy drains the old foul m'ltted fro". the !)ouei", so THOROUGH, that ONE SPOOXr-'FL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gas.-.y s o'.icn. It if. so powerful that it is u'-ed successfully in appendicitis. Adier--ka nev( r grilles and the IN-S'lWNT IN-S'lWNT action is surprising. advt. Mrs. F. 0. Jensen and daughte:s ' entertained a number of young people peo-ple at a pleasant outing party at their nieabows west of town last evening, j There were nineteen who went to the field on a hay rack and they cooked their supper on a camp fire. Pile evening was delightfully spent by the young people. : ft ft ft" ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft j ft LMVEPv ITV OF VTAH ' j ft- Salt Lake City, Vtah. ft ft ft Instruction begins Monday, September 20th. ft ft Registration of Students, and entrance examinations on ft ft Thursday, Friday, Satufd.-y. September 16th, 17th, and 18th. ft j ft Beautiful grounds, fine buildings and equipment, and spec- ft ft ialists in all departments are AT YOUR SERVICE. ft ft Courses are offered that prepare for almost any vocation in ft ft addition to giving a Broad and liberal education a ire aration ft ft for a life as well as a Fvin.'r. & ft The credits of the University of Utah are accepted in f"" by ft ft the best Universities in the United States. ft I a l 1 :nfo"-nation sent upon iei.cest ft 13"IVEKSITY OF VT'.K ft (ft fca't Iske City, Vtah ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 fit CULTIVATE ' & ) ; I A If ) The Successful I J Man is First to : I JL Dress Well. ' I ILi q Our Fall and Win I P ter Styles Will In- : ! stantly Appeal to : Those Who Appre- 1 ciate Clothes of the I Jgj Lj Better Kind. I C. 1.-PETERSEN, k Mt. Pleasant, - - - Utah i , 4 .1 ikab&-&& t 1 ERICKSEN MEAT and GROCERY CO Choicest Meats, - Freshest Groceries j . In Stock Always ; All Fruits and Early Vegetables in Season. Equipment throughly up to date. Patronage of the Public Solicited n fT7?yAyWffl?v,rft' jlV-'vJl.l'!'lW'W''1 ' """ ' " ' """ " " ' "" ' 1 -:4;K.-ifcrfiyi,.-:-Wfgjaw;m - j j LADlEvS-COATO SUITS ! j We Have Just Received ;tSTLZ ; I Styles Direct from the New York Markets. The Values we are offering are better 9 - 1 t than ever. Call and see these NOW. We are glad to show them and, a Coat or Suit i bought from the "Golden Rule" means a Saving to You. :: :: :: :: :: a LADIES' SUITS . LADIES' CO ATS i j In Serges Broadcloth and Wool Poplins In Scotch Mixtures, Plaids and Checks r nm tm mm mm $5.90, $6.90 $7.90 i 1 g biIUj iafig d yn - and up to 5 J mmm TUP AITPRATB -; I yilUS IrK ML i. SUM 1 1 (UiL j0 d Cj) '1 1 . ; ; ' 01FFEII18E W83 BusSTORESj IT. FBI LESS y-kiuiiSiim? " 11 11111 ' 11111 111 ii'ipiiiih hid ii i.imi wmniiiminiii unn i , y 77? ' ? |