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Show N. S. NEILSOX K. C. JKXSEX E. W U President Vice-President Cashier MOUNT PLEASANT COMMERCIALS WIS BANK DIRECTORS Ferdinand Ericksen, Rasmus Anderson, Andrew Madsen, Olof Rosenlof, Swen 0. Nielson, A. C. Wall Both checks and savings accounts are respectfully solicited. All customers will receive courteous treatment, and their bubinesa our prompt attention. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. People sending money through the mails should se cure drafts, this being the cheapest and safest way of transmitting money. Banking hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Four Per Cent Interest Per Annum A flowed on Saving Deposit. Payable Semi Annually. :-: .Municipal and School Bonds Bought and Sold. Jl '1 A.Mcrz & Co. rco; pSS Mt.Pleasant, Ut. yl' For Particulars K K.ST A W ft ILK See Nearest Acnt Or So, ;il the Beaclus . or Write LonK Beach J. H. Manderfield V( ni,0 a r- i a Cataline A. C. P. A. t. I h n see the Salt Lake City KXTOTI'I ION. ' r t $35.00 to San I)icj;o Antl return Direct Tickets on sale Daily Limit 3 Moi t lis $35.00 to Los Angeles or SAN FRANCISCO Tickets on saleDaily "J Limit 3 Mont lis 62. t L i Anodes Return via PORTLAND 3 Months Limit CO VIA LOS ANCF.LI S To The I XI'OSI'I IONS i - - r, k 4 r -TTMTilfcl-initiMTil'Mfciiiriiil fr'irtlllr'rfnimf)-1'' ij " t ! ' . , "5;' Ij We Are Headquarters For Season- : ! able Goods and can Assure You a Prompt Delivery. Just Phone 35 g or 75 For ! Mason 1-2 Gal. Jars - 95c n 1 Mason Qt. Jars - - 70c V 1 Mason Ft. - - - 60c ; Seal Fast; Glass top, Qt. - $1.00 rj j-j 5 and 10 Cent Jar Rings Mason, Economy and Mason New Patent Caps r Strictly Pure Vinegar, either Malt or White ; or Henry Pickling. I J Also have all kinds absolutely pure spices', h both whole and ground, for pickling. WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS. I M 11 1 . I j Try a Pyramid Want Ad. "Roll Your Own"- It's All The Fashion J ' j "Dull" Durham tobacco, fresh, delicious, satisfying, 13 the favorite ij j smoke of ultra-smart America. Any aitemoon in the fashionable j metropolis, prominent business men, professional men and club men roll up in their motors to the popular Thes-Dansants, Hotels and i' Restaurants for a bit of light refreshment, a view of the dancing, j ' and most enjoyable cf all a fragrant, fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham - 1 Cigarette, fashioned by their own skill, to meet their individual j;i requirements. i; GENUINE ! "ItmiL DUCwHAF? SMOKING- TOBACCO "Bull" Durham is distinpuisW from nil other tobac- PkJnf"rl5rS t C03 by a wonderful, delightful, unique, aroma that can 'acfi Sc ,arl- j instantly be recognized in the faintest trace of smoke. !WlTTlT5r There is no other fragrance like it iu all the world. " gjrHN 1 j "Dull" Durham hand made cigarettes are a source of ft -il r --" 1 J lasting satisfaction to millions of experienced smokers. ; I I I I An Illustrated Ix,klet. show- VrlfeV vJ'! I fr t VmVm ing correct way to-Roll Your I lllf'f -r) B m Own-Ciuettos.andapnck- Ii S I age of cigarette papers, will loth be mailed, rer, to f( ' TYu Imifrfr - W any address in U. S. on postal request. Address liV VN L, lWWv.,3 fa "Dull" Durham, Durham, N. C -! p'r$S 1 THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY |