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Show A number of frierds of Miss An na Johansen called at hei- home lasi I Thursday evening to celebrate the 1 anniversary of her birth. The ev :' ning was enjoyed in a pleasant sccia: way .and refreshments were servec to the fuliowiiig guests: Pres. C. N. Lund, Grandma Candland, Mr. anu Mrs. A. Meiz, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. j Sorensen, Mt. and Mrs. Chris Johan ! sen, Mrs. Mina Ericksen, Mrs. Lizzie Larsen, Mrs. Hannah Burnett, and !the Misses Annie Jensen, Marian Xiarsen, Maria Frandsen and Flossie Ericksen. A pleasant evening social of last week was given by Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jacobs. An informal reception followed by music and games. About sixty of iheir -friends partook ol their hospitality, Assisting were the following; . Mrs.. James Larsen and Mrs. J. W. Anderson presided at the dinning table, they were assisted by Mrs. L. H. ilobison, Miss Helen Larsen and Dorth.y Jacobs, Misses Ida Merz, Winniefred Jensen and Ila Larsen renderetJ vocal and instrumental music during the evening. In tht portrait game Miss Winniefred Jen sen was the prize winner. The twentieth Century Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. H. C. Jacobs on Thursday last. Miss Winnie Jensen gave a very interesting interest-ing lesson on Naples. Little Dorothy Jacobs sang a song Officers were fleeted for the coming club year as follows: Mrs. H. C. Jacobs, President, Presi-dent, Miss HiidaMadsen, Vice-Presi-cer.t, Mrs. D. D. Tebbs, Secretary, Mrs. Geo. Madsen, Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Anderson, Treasurer, .vna. W. V. CanulaiiG. Librarian. Delicious refreshment were si rved by Lhe hos ess. The rooms were bright with wh te and pink carnations and smilax. |