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Show The Penant The High School Opera "The Penant." Pen-ant." i? nearing completion now. It will take place at the Opera House March 14, 1913. Everybody wi,o misses, seeing this production will never be able to forgive themselves. Those who have kr.o-n "Fanny" as an athlete will recognize him in the role of Captain Jack of the foot ball team, but in addi'ion to this he has become a devoted impassioned lover vea, verily a matinee idol. The object ob-ject of all this affection is "Davis" who is represented by Roenna Day. The audience will not blame Captain Jask for being in love with her. She just naturally fits into her role. The nanehty,' intriguing and fascinating fas-cinating ? widow, Mrs. Rnno Gross will be realistically portraved b" Cleo Lund. The is sure a surprise in store for those who have alw-avs known Cleo as a sedate young person per-son of argumentative temperament. The "Freshie" verdant Green, who is not so green as he looks, is a very attractive k:d as protrayed by Randall Brady. Jerimiah J3ond, a self made business busi-ness man is portrayed by "Joe" Dav. His loving, but over amoitious wife is cleverly handled by Venetta Monsen. One of the star features will be Mr. By water's-portrayed of he stup'd, bashful fot tune hunting Englishman, Lord Wood-by-Rich, here is a well trained chorus of fifty voices. The entertainment will be .ve 1 worth seeing. Don't forget the date and place. A matiiiee will held at 3:00 o'clock Friday for children. Admission 10c The main performance will com-nence com-nence at 8:30. Tickets 25 and 35c. "Come early and avoid the rush" |