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Show Bids for Construction of Power Plant j . and Transmission System Mount Pleasaat, Utah Mount Pleasant Corporation will revive sealed propo?iitls at the otlice of May r J m-:s VV. Anderson uni it 7:30 o'clock p. m . on ibe 9ih day of April, 1913. fur th construction of ;t powei plant i n Pleasant, (.'reek in Pleas. mt Oreek Can von, S;inpete C un i. v. Hi ah. toire tier ti-er With about thre miles of transmission li ie unc1 for the remodeling of the iti-aribution system ab,utthe i!ity of Mount Ple.tsant. A certified check for ten percent, of ;he amount of the prop sal irus accompany ea u proposal as a guarantee that ihe bidder will enter into a contract with ilt. Pleasant, Corporation, Cor-poration, and furnish the required bond as set out in the specifications. Information may be had at the office f M;iv-or M;iv-or James W Anderson, Mc. Pleasant, LTtnh. or Ht the office of Caldwell and liich trds, Engi ueers, 1027 Boston Building. Sale Lake City Utah. Contractors in lv be required to giv satisfactory evidence of form -r experien -e in the line of work bid upon. Mt Pieasant C .r-poration .r-poration reserves ille riirht to reject all bids Prospective bidders must deposit with ttu-engineers, ttu-engineers, for plans and .specifications five (55.00) aollars. This d posit will be refunded to bona fide bidders upon return of plans and specifications In ood condition. Daniel Rasmusses. Ci'y Recorder |