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Show Notice For Publication Department of the Interior, C. S. LAND OFFICE at Suit Lake City. Utah, Feb. 28. luH. NOTICE Is hereby (tlrcn that Na ioleon D. rrttclietl. lairview, L" LRU. who on Marcu ?7fL. UNirt. made ilomesUsad Km ry (Serial 0Jl"J6 ). No. mm. forXtt'l .-K). NK i SWJ. t:j NV J, Section 9, Ttiwnshlp l-l Uauce4 K. , salt Lake Meridian, Meri-dian, has tilud notice of Intention to make Uiial live-yciir proof, to establish claim to the lauii above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Manti. Ftah. on the loth day ,f April. 1913 Ci .iiuaui names as witnesses: Albert Clemeiu ot Katrview, (Hah. Kbas Hirtuy, of Fatrview, Im.hIi. Jo-eh l-iiflic. of FalrvieiT. I'taii. .I,, cp i L. lio, litis, of Falrvirw. Ftau. r. D H THOMPSON, Ivt-Kister. |