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Show t H VUR sample lines of Made-to- T" cP jpA Measure Clothing has reach- CD JmXV ed us and we invite your inspection C"" 6 SamG' vou are hard to 1 i-tVJ4 L or desire some special features , .CV in your suit vou can do nothing "'St' t& ffl eter nan look our lines over I j s ' 1 and give us your order. We fit ''Sp ; : ' J the head to feet with perfect satis- I 1 ' faction. jJ : j j I There is . no better eg. workmanship put into ! J "J , clothing than that of JfMf'i. ( ED' V. PRICE & CO. f U THE SANPETE. 4 ED.V. PRICE & CO. , Spring City - edTjohn stonUdrugs! Mt. Pleasant and Moroni. FREE delivery deliv-ery to any place in Sanpete Co. Mail and phone orders receive prompt attention. at-tention. Adv. , N Born--March 8th 1913, to the wife of James F. Ellis, a son. Mr. Joseph Wright who has been 111 for two weeks past with Bronchitis js improving. His daughter L zzie came home from Canada last week. The Johnson Mjrcanule Co. recently re-cently purcnased the Spring City Co-op, buildings. Stock and fixtures for forty-s.n'en hundred d 1 ars. The deal was midi with the Utah As socation of Oeditmen. The Johnson John-son Mercantile Co formerly the Young Men's Co op will move their stock of goods into the new quarters where they expect to conduct their future rn iness. Mrs Sarah Asworth who has been absent visiting with her folks in Salt Lake Oity and Pleasant Grove ror three months du ing the winter has returned home. John A. All red nf Salt Lake City is here visiting with his folks for a few days. Mrs. Jane Armistead and children of Salt Lake City is in Spring City visiting with her relatives! She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allred. 1 Mrs; Jas. Syndergarrd gave a dinner din-ner party ai her home Wedjiesd ay evening in tionor of Mrs. ti. L. Young of 6&it Lake City who has been visiting with her .during the past weeKs. Mrs. Young left yesier- ,day for her nome in tne cicy 1 - For Loss of Hair We wil! pay far whiat you use If Rexall "93" Hajr Ttmic does n5 promote the giro'th o f your hair. In all our experierice with hair tonics tba one t'hat has done most to pain our coiifirience is ilexall "93" Hair Tonic. ; We have such well-fouo.ded well-fouo.ded faith in it thast we want yo'j to try it at our risk. If it does ' vot satisfy you in every particular, we will pay ft ir what yooi use to the extent oi a 3f) day treatniemt. J If Rexall "93" Hair' Tonio does not remove dandruff, irelieve acalp irritation, stop the hair from falling and promotu a new growth of hair, I come back to us and as) t us to rtatuni the money y ou paid for i t, and to e will ' I promptly hund it back to you. You don't sign anything, promise any- i thing, brirwg anything b pack, or ifii any j way oblig0te yourself. 1 isn't that fair 7 Doesn't it stand to reason that we would not make sucb. a liberal offer if we did not truly beliuve that Rexall '93" Hair Ton-ic wi 11 do all we claim for it that it wi'Jl do all and more than anj- other remedy? We have everything thens is a de- i I tnand for, and are able to ljudge the ' merits of the things we a?ll. Customers Cus-tomers tell us of the ir succei s. There are more eatisfiel users of Rexall "93" Hair Tonio.' than ao,y similar ) preparation we sf Jl. Start a treatir ient of Ret ail "93" Hair Tonio tod ay. If you do, believe you wf 1 thank us for this advice. Two si ze bottles, 50c and SI. You can buy Rexall "93" ETair Tonio In this comtD'an ity only at our store: ' A D. S'iJTTON DRUG CO. St' 3leas- . a. t T A koSZ Ston Utah There Is a ' 1 Store in nearly every town and city in im Jnited States, Canada, and Oreat Bnto Jn. j hero ia a different Reiall Kemedy for nearlv every ordinary human ill-each ill-each pec ,ally d;., tgned for the particulitf ill tor which it is recoi amended, j Th RoU Store, ar Amaricm's CwttaaT '"- I '"IT- ' 1- ' - 1 MRS. LYDIA ' M. BURTON, Nurse, 2nd South Tenth East street, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. For Sale A good pair of young norses. Apply to L. J. Frandsen, Phone No. 95-2. FOR SALE A good home, modern mod-ern in every respect, Apply to Mrs. Frank Madsen. FOR SALE For sale cheap, the home of Mrs. Ellis Day Wilcox on North State Street. For particulars see George Christensen, Mt. Pleasant, Utah A good home for sale. r Apply to W. E. Watson. TREES! TREES! Hard and soft wood shade trees at lowest prices. Send your orders to, ' Chas. Musig, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. .-' For Sale A good wagon, fodderr cutter, and also good plow and hay-rake. hay-rake. Apply C. A. Clark. For Sale. One of the finest build ing lots, good location, closed in and adjoining the beautiful home of John undersoil.. Apply Burke McArth-ar. McArth-ar. FOR SALE Tools for making 4ioes. Apply to Jacob Hafen EGGS FOR SALERhode Island Reds. 50c per setting. H. F. Wall. A good thing for Sale 160 acres lan.-l. all f n"ed. About M acres alfalfa. 157 shares of gO' Water Right. Apply to N. P. Aa-.ard, Aa-.ard, Fountain Green Utah. FOR SALE The old C. Truscott place on State S' rett. For information informa-tion see S. M. Nielson. FOR SALE One bay work mare 6 yr. old, weight about 1500 lbs'. Apply Ap-ply toN. H. Omansen, Spring City. Grocery clerk wanted at the Sanpete. San-pete. Kindly apply in your own hand writting. For Sale Alfalfa hay. Apply to J, F. Young at Round Hills. . .t--,,,.;,,. maSkssSBgam IOur Spring Line of Men's and Young Men's Suits are j now in, and you will agree with us that it is One of the Most Attractive Lines in Styles and Fit j ever shown here. The prices are very low as we are sell- j ing strictly for cash. Look out for ou.' Line of Ladies' Summer Wraps and Suits which will be on display in a few days. Sugar and all lines of groceries are selling at competi- j tive war prices. Come in and get our prices. Beautiful line of Charmeuse Silks, plain and bj o i.ut d just in. i The Great Universal Ltne of samples for Suits ncw-on I display. No better lint in the world. v r j Wasatch Merc. Co. I., . - . ' 1 ' k. : ' 1 " ' i J?CiTTi Five Passenger ?Q U-tvi Touring Car only yg j Those Good Autos Are Coming! 1 One car load of Automobiles is already ordered I and will soon be here for delivery. I Anyone can afford to ride in an auto. 1 Do not miss this opportunity to get the GREAT- I EST MACHINE IN THE WORLD FOR THE I MONEY. , A. James Aagard, Agent. Fountain Green, - Utah. L V ' J V -AV JbJ -J&J -mSZlj JJ -WX 4 t -V j& -mFZ J m, ' m ' 1 .... SPECIAL I Si We have exactly 44 pair of Ladies P Shoes. Size range from 2 1-2 to 6. n p They are not the latest in style, but H just as good as anything we have Yd and will give general satisfaction. These are marked from $2.50 to $3.75, Tuesday March 18, only, not y before, we put them on sale for $1.00 J H the pair. So come early Tuesday morning and get your pick at the j THE PROGRESS I SMERCANTILE C0. f& |