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Show The Kind You Have Always Bought. THIS is the caution applied to the publio announcement of Castoria that has been manufactured under the supervision of Chas. H. i letcher for over 30 years the g-enuine Castoria. We respectfully call the attention of fathers and mothers when purchasing Castoria to see that the wrapper bears his signature in black. When the wrapper is removed the same signature appears ap-pears on both sides of the bottle in red. Parents who have used Castona for their little ones in the past years need no warning against counterfeits and imitations, but our present duty is to call the attention of the younger generation gener-ation to the great danger of introducing into their families spurious medicines. It ia to be regretted that there are people who are now engaged in the nefarious business of putting up and selling all sorts of substitutes, or what should more properly be termed counterfeits, for medicinal preparations not only for adults, but worse yet, for children's medicines. It therefore devolve on the mother to scrutinize closely what she gives her child. Adults can do that for themselves, but the child has to rely on the mother's watchfulness. .f S JAr-fU . Genuine Castoria alwajs bears the signature o:W:u4VV3: CUcAiA SAVED MINISTER'S LIFE. Rev. W. H. Warner, Frederick, Md., vri s: "My trouble was Sciatica. Mr- bacfc was affected and took the form of Lumbago. I also had Neu-ralgia, Neu-ralgia, cramps in JC my muscles, preset pres-et 1 sure or sharp pain jslffl K on the top of my A yk f head and nervous j0JS. dlzzy spells. I had 4 n e r symptoms showing that my Kidneys were at fault, ro I took Dodd's Kidney Pills. They were the means of saving my life." Dodd's Kidney Ptlls, 50c per box at your dealer, or Dodd's Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets Tab-lets for Indigestion have been proved, 60c per box. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and recipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adv. - Assisting Ambition Men of ambition with the desire to forge ahead need revitalizing food to help them to compel success. Grape-Nuts is a success food. It is made from whole wheat and malted barley and, pound for pound, contains far more "go" and "get there" than ordinary foods. It retains all the nutriment of the grains, including their i natural mineral salts Phos- i phnte of Potash, etc., often 1 larking in ordinary food, but 1 essential to thorough upbuilding upbuild-ing of sinew, brain and nerves. I Grape-Nuts is partially pre- i digested and agrees with all. It's the ideal vigor-food for I child and adult. 1 "There's a Reason" Sold bv Grocers everywhere. I |