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Show BeOne of Them And be sure and have a pin or ring like all of your class mates. They , beauties. We make anything you want in the jewelry line. BOYD PARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY FOUNDED 1062 SALT LAKE CITY srjvrrk Cheaper fjSii Kodak rimshmg Dsvelopins:-Any size roll for 10 centa Any size Film Pack for 20 centa Print 3 cents to 5 cents Pot Cards 5 centm each A. R. McINTYRE DRUG CO. DEPT. A OGDEN, UTAH EASTMAN KODAK AGENCY and Quaint "Mother jfeT Gooso" Book . (Savgtho - : tr psoflHHAi,i coupon Wrappers fur , Q The WRIGLEY Spearmen Mfflp--7 111 lt want you to know and to STffSlGluSfJPA i remember always that ifl Awi brings joy in greatest meas- rEJ ure for its small cost. "ZZ&z! Ellj Because it lasts longer, tastes sMu riXv -rt 1 good longer and benefits oumMf I more than any other form of fZA !pstF I confection for anywhere near t&s'j Saoft- II the price. It affords healthy, wholesome exercise v" for teeth and gums. It soothes the throat, relieves thirst, steadies the stom- fir W?Giry.S a rv1- ach. It aids appetite and digestion. Vy seinnggimgest Jfl )r vou remember this delicious, I helpful refreshment the WRIGLEY I j Every lr Spears have produced an elaborate yi&o0 I ' teCka02 Kg. JinSlc book-the "Mother Goose" -U Vin'tid lWs tales revised. You'll enjoy it. xxss. UwAi t r t'aht yVA For FREE sample of the new ) Y"QlMlC PEPPERMINT flavored WUyS'ff) rZ''fi V -annBaE and copy of KyCM H"r" tt1 book' 611 out the wr (r4 n '" coupon or send a (WV f 1322 Kesnen Bldg., Chioago. " i n" When all others fail to please-Try please-Try Denison's Coffee. iiiiiimuiiii At New Delight iChiU Carne & With real Bayou beam, or plain. Made aiter the real and famouj Mexican Mexi-can formula. The seasoning is most piquant a zestful tasty dish anywhere any time. Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago dt I tok HIM for the sg Pjufr triangle y,j y ' on 1 1 1 ' grocer's SGFNT8 Pt"d7 Income. Larpe mannfscttjrer o1 p , . u. iu Gd., rtc., wishes reprrsantatlra In aco lora U it raclorj to consumer. Big proflJrt. bones' tfcxxU. Whole or spare time. Credit clTea. gl ...-r...i -rM,riMrf.L..4SMJBSS.,BUraJ(.I rrT eilP 440 acms fine wheat land near rllr NA r. tlab Lake, Smiles rroui hsit I Jl unsju ijne ('itr; 111) per srre, H cash, lance 6. BE.NJ. J" TBI I'P. iiJiMKX, CXLi'. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best Although there are hundreds of preparations prepa-rations advertised, there is only one that really stands out pre-eminent as a remedy rem-edy for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not recommended recom-mended for everything. A sworn certificate of purity is with every ev-ery bottle. You may receive a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcel Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng-hamton, Blng-hamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents. For sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes 50c and J1.00, also mention this paper. Adv. A textile made iu China from raw silk can be buried In the earth a year without deteriorating. N" Roofs don't wear out they dry out. When properly made they dry out very slowly and give the best service. Certainteed Roofing Made with a soft center asphalt and coated with a harder blend of asphalt, which keeps the soft saturation within the life of the roofing from drying out quickly. Guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years according to thickness guarantee backed by the largest Roofing and Building Paper Mills in the World. Sold in your town at reasonable prices by your own dealer whom you know. General Roofing Manufacturing Co. H'orW. larf,l mnmifnclurrm nfjlmja and lluildittfj I'aperM Ne.Y.rk Citr Ckje.ro Pkil..elki. St. Lo.i. Bottea CleT.UsJ P.ttibsrtk Detroit SsaFr.ociic. CiBeiauti Minse.peli, Ks.i.i Cil7 Se.ltl. Atls.la Hoiuto. Lo.Joa H.mb.rr Srdoer HOWARD E. BURTON AsscAYElT18rD Spec-mien pri.-es; Gold, Kilirer, Lea.l.tl; Hold 8IWer,75c;Goll,60c: Zine or copper, $1. Mjlllni enTelopeaund full prl,-e list senton application Leadvllle, Colo. Kef. Carbonate Nat. Bank. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 42-1915 WHY NOT 9 KC is pure. KC is health- fill. It really does make f$3J$ lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes j pJl and pastry than the old fashioned single acting SP baking powders. ' , And you pay only a fair price for it. No baking powder should sell for more. 0 |