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Show NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS j .1. J. Nica'.l was an Kphraim Intsi- i ess visitor early in the week. j Mrs. Louise Peekstrom is home again after visiting relatives in Salt Lake City during conference. Francis Nrilson is home.. again after "citing the State Fair at Salt Lake City. Mrs. IlaPc-d. mother of Mrs. Chas. "cithahor. who has been visiting for the ptst week with her daughter in this city, returned to her homo at Payson last Saturday. Mrs. Ftiek Frleksen and two small Mrs returned to their home here Monday after v:si;ing Mr. and Mrs. Leo Frickseu who are now living in Salt Lake City. M.ivor and Mrs. Car! (i undersoil of Price arrived in Mount Pleasant Tuesday. Tues-day. Mr. Gunderson returned Wednesday Wed-nesday while Mrs. Gunderson will remain re-main several days. Miss Zelda Kasmussen spent a part I of Saturday and Sunday in this city at the home of her parents. Mr. and j "'"s- '- " Pasraussen. rcT.rning Sun-i Sun-i ! n to her duties as a school teacher. A. .las. Aagard of Fountain Green agent fcr the Ford automobile cam-puny cam-puny in this county received a car of the "jitnies" for distribution through this section last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Hanihy. parents ef Mrs. .1. .1. Nieo'il of this city 4. ! parted yesterday for their home in Foise. Idaho, after a short visit at the Nieoll home. I E. C. Johnson returned from Salt : Lake City Saturday after visiting the ! State fair. i |