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Show Wasatch And Price Open Foot-Ball Season A rousing all though one-sided game of foot ball was p.ayed on the Wasatch grid-iron last Saturday afternoon af-ternoon before a very good crowd of local enthusiasts of the game. The occasion was the first clash of the season in which Wasatch met, and passed right on by, Price., The score of Wasatch changed continually during dur-ing the game while that of Price remained re-mained the same throughout 4 9 - 0. Judging from the size of the Price-ites Price-ites one would expect them to put up i terrific fight but as it was, it was very ordinary, our boys taming them time after time. Knockouts seemed to be a feature of the game. Time being called on that account continually. One Price player, Lloyd Cotrell, was so badly stepped upon that if was necessary to remove him across the street to the hospital to be patched up and repaired. re-paired. Following the score is tabluated: WASATCH ' I Glen Black j Dewey Hurst ' Prank Hurst ' Ray Stocks Dewey Hurst ' Carlyie Madsen Glen Black Ray Slocks ' Glen Black Total, 49. PRICE 0 In the evening the two teams weic royally entertained at the Fink Memorial Me-morial Hall at an elaborate banquet, followed by speech-making and other entertainment. |