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Show THEY ALL DEMAND IT flit. Pleasant, Like Every City and kwn in The Union, keceivea It. People vith kidney ills want to Ix cured. When one suffeis the tortures of an ackmg back, relief is eageily sought lor. Theieare many remedies to-day that relieve, but. do cur.', moan's Kidney Piils have brought .asting results to thousands. Here is Mt. Pleaoanl evidence of the.r mei itt. Mrs. Kastus tdonson, of Ml. Pleasant, Pleas-ant, Utah., sas: "My expe.ie:n.e with Doan's Kidney PuL conviaceu mi tnac tny are a ti.ii e rem -uy lot discovered Kidneys. JSoine ago vviieii I was having uouole irum my kidneys, kid-neys, I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I did so. Part of the contents of one box brought me relief." If your back aches if your kidneys kid-neys bo. her you, don't simply ask for a Kidi-ey reiiu dy aK distinctly for Doan s Kidney Pill.-;, the same that Mrs. Monsori h, d die renn uy bacKed h, -hie testimony, utc all stores. FosterrMilburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. |