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Show MME. JUSSERAND BARS "FREE LUNCH" I Mme. Jusserand, wife of the French ambassador, and new doyen of the diplomatic corps at Washington, Washing-ton, has decreed the abolition of the diplomatic "free liunch route," which , f is the undiplomatic designation of that indiscriminate and uncensored j list ; of hostesses from whom the at- f taches of embassies and legations have been wont to accept luncheon, dinner and dance invitations. Henceforth there will be a rigid adherence to diplomatic and social lines by the young diplomats who have entered too much into the spirit of our democratic institutions and gone to those entertainments where he spirit of conviviality led them. The gossip In diplomatic circles is that there has been not only a weakening weak-ening of discipline, but that the young bachelor set, not provided with the large expense account of the heads of legations, have found in the bountiful bounti-ful hosnitnlltv nf Washington means I whereby they have been able to piece out their meager incomes by saving I what otherwise would be spent at hotels and restaurants for food and cheer. |