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Show OLD FOLKS' REUNION A GALA DAY IN MOUNT PLEASANT The Old Folks of Mt. Pleasant Pleas-ant were tendered one of the most successful parties ever given in honor of the old people of this city on Wednesday the 5th. It was a gala day from be-gining be-gining to end. One important feature was the prompt and willing service of each committee commit-tee in making the day a success. suc-cess. Automobiles, sleighs and buggies bug-gies were used in conveying the guests of honor to the South Ward Meeting House, and by 12 o'clock all were in readiness to partake of the sumptuous dinner so splendidly prepared by the committee. There were not so. many old folks present at this occasion as there were at the one held last year. 'Some were out of the city, some were unable ' to attend at-tend on account of illness and some had responded to the final fi-nal summons which had called them on before. ; There were 72 present over 60 years of age, 40 over 70 years, and 9 over 80 years of age, Christian Jensen was be-oldesc be-oldesc man at the party, his ing 88 years. Eliza Staker was the oldest ladys present, her age being 89 years. There were 66 widows, 16 widowers and two missionaries wives in attendance. at-tendance. In all there were 342 people seated at the tables. The Mount Pleasant Band volunteered their services and rendered some beautiful selections select-ions which were much appreciated appre-ciated by the old people. The following program was carried out at the South Ward Meeting House at 2:30 p. it. Mayor James W. Anderson act- ed as Master of Ceremonies. I Opening Hymn "Count your Many Blessings" Invocation- Bishop James Larsen. Quartett, Mrs. C. W. Sorenson Soren-son and others. Reading, C. W. Sorenson. Speech of Welcome, Abrahrm Johnson. Response, Pres. Peter Mat-son. Mat-son. Duett, Marian Larson, and Emil Hasler. Cornet Solo, John Omansen. Comic Songs, C. G. Purring-ton. Purring-ton. Instrumental Trio, J. M. Boy-den Boy-den and others. Speeches and Reminicences by R. Anderson, John H. Seely, and P. M. Nielson. Violin Solo, Miss Clara B. Wright. Humorous Talk, Wm. Olsen. ' Sextett, Grandma and Grandpa Grand-pa from 5 to 89 years-A Musi leal Comedy witn Grandma Stak er acting as director. Durarie I J ones being Grandpa of SO yrs. J ago, Jacob Diglor as Grandpa of to day, David Davis 5 years old as Grandmother of 80 years, agoMrs. Staker as Grandmother Grand-mother of today and Mrs. Jos. Proctor. Mrs. V. L. Davis and Miss Winnifred Jensen aa Intervening In-tervening Grandmothers. Jacob Bigler mastered the Bass Drum while Airs. Davis led out with melodius strains on the violin with Durane Jones and Di.v!d Davis played second violin. Mrs Proctor cleverly played the Snare Drum while Aliss Jensen played the accompaniment on the piano, Closing Hymn, "God Be with us Til We Meet Again" Benediciton, Bishop H. C. Jacobs, Ja-cobs, The program was a most - interesting in-teresting and thoroughly enjoyed en-joyed by all who heard it. Following the program the old people were entertained at the Melba Theatre by C. G. Pnr-rington, Pnr-rington, and at night a large number participated in a dancing danc-ing party at the Opera-House. It was an occasion of much joy and haopiness for the Old Folks of the city. They pre traveling aonf that paat of life's journey which does not p3i mit many pi- aufes an I this big a inual event :s looked upon by them a the most enjoyable time nf the year. Too much, credit cannot can-not be given the younger men and women who gladly do the work required, re-quired, that the older ones may-have may-have the plea-sure of the day without any great effort upon their part. |