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Show Dr. Hartman Says: Write to Peruna Testimonials If You Want to Know the Truth. The following letter was received by Dr. Hartman through his regular correspondence: cor-respondence: "I notice the testimonial of Mrs. Alice Bogle, which you give In your last article. If I should write her do you suppose she would give me further particulars? I have heard it said many times that such testimonials are fakes; that they are either absolutely fictitious or else the people have been hired to write them. I have been Inclined In-clined to write you a great many times but these stories about patent medicine medi-cine advertisements have discouraged me from doing so. I am afflicted with catarrh and Bhould like very much to find a remedy such as your article describes." de-scribes." To the above letter Dr. . Hartman made the following reply: My dear Madam: I do not wonder that you are confused and have lost all faith In advertised remedies. There has been so much said against them, so much controversy concerning concern-ing them, I am not surprised that some people have lost confidence in them. I wish you would write Mrs. Bogle, as one woman to another. I wish you would ask her whether she has been hired to write such a testimonial, whether her testimonial represents the truth. I hope you will remember that she Is a housewife, like yourself, that she has something to do besides -write letters, that she is a woman of moderata means and cannot afford to write these letters and pay her own postage. 1 hope you will enclose stamp so she can answer you without loss to herself. Mrs. Bogle Is a Very estimable lady an no doubt you will both profit by being acquainted with each other. Should you conclude to try Peruna for your catarrh I would be very glad to hear of the result. I can assure you that no use will be made of . your letter, let-ter, except by your written consent. Mrs. Bogle very kindly consented to have me use her letter, which Is my reason for doing so, and you will be treated exactly as she has been. People recover from chronic catarrh who take Peruna. There Is no doubt about that. Some surprising recoveries are reporteo almost daily. I have thou sands of them in my files. PERUNA IS FOR SALE AT ALL, DRUG STORES. SPECIAL NOTICE Many persona are making Inquiries for the old-time old-time Peruna. To such would say, this rormula is now put out under the name of KA TAR-NO, manufactured by KA-TAR-KO Company, Columbus, Ohio. Write them and they will be pleased to send you a free booklet. Ask your Druggist for Free Peruna Per-una Almanac for 1913. Adv. PROBATE AND fUAR I1 A--Willi NOTICES. Consult couniy Clerk or respective si0ne s for further Information. I.N THE PROBATE DIVISION OF THE SEVtONTII .lUlllOIAI, DISTKIOT J U It l Or THE STATE I'K tll.iH, SANfEXt. COUNTY. Id the Matter of 'lie Esfatet anil Uuwdiaiishlp of I NOTICE OF SALE Levkrdia ci.awsun, S Minor. I OF KEALESTATE The umierslRiit'd will sell at. private saletlie following described reul estate in Spring Uity, Sanpete County. H He of Utah: Bv-i-'lnning at 11 point 1.911 Chains Norta from the So.'ih-tjast i oruer of Fractional Blu.-L 5 '. us plaiteo in Plait "A"' Spring Ciiy Survey. Sanpete County, Utah; thenci-ruiinnmg North 2.11 Chains, thence Went, 14 20 Chains theuc-South theuc-South 3.15 Chains, iheuoe East 7.27 ( haius thence North 1. 11 Cna.ns. theni-e East tj.iW Chains to plac of beginning. Contalug 3 64 Acres, mora or les.- On or alter Saturday, February 1. 1913, and writ ten bids will be rece ved at the residence of ll, e undersigned, at Spring City Pre cinrt. Sanpete Cc unty , Utah, until 12 o'clock noon on Saturday. February 1, 1913. Terms of Sale: Ten per i-eui . ut bid at the time of s.ile and ( he balau.'e lo be paid upun Contiriua' ion of the sale by tne Court. Dated January 16, 1-13. I,. O. LARSON, Guardian 01 the Person and Estate of Leverula ClaWaOn. Geortte Christensen, Attorney ljr Guardian. - Constipation, if Neglected, Causes Serious Illness Constipation, if neglected, leads to aimost innumerable complications complica-tions affecting the general health. Many cases of L.:-'-"V . typhoid fever, f'fe' appendicitis and I other severe dis- I .v-r?.'-;f eases are trace-532;' trace-532;' able to prolonged-W prolonged-W ;i clogging of the V. bowels. Regard- k&r'j t It e effects o f ' J . constipation, C. Jl- X E. Ayers, 6 Sabin ,4 " St- Montpelier, rt-??H?'4 Vt., says: tef'J.'Wm "l w8 afflicted V -.' ''. ',','' . ' 'l with constipation ' J.juA anlj biliousness for years, and at times became so bad I would become unconscious. I have been found in tl'.at condition many times. Physicians did not seem to be able to do me any good. I would becoma weak and for days at a time could do no work. Not long ago I got a box of Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets, and after using them found I had never tried anything that acted In sucn a mild and effective manner. I believe I have at last found the remedy that suits my case." Thousands of people are sufferers from habitual constipation and while possibly realizing something of the danger of this condition, yet neglect too long to employ proper curative measures until serious illness ill-ness often results. The advice of all physicians is, "keep your bowels clean," and it's good advice. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory, your money is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, .Ind. 7 WANTED Man to represent White Sewing Machine Company, as Salesman and Collector in Sanpete County. Liberal Contract to Suitable party. Apply to J. M. Hutchinson, Brown Hotel. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Advertisement. James Mjnsen was home from Sal Lake for a short time last Sunday. He returned on the afternoon train. WAMTED Four small tracts of Good Orchard Land, ranging from 10 to 20 acres. Apply to : : J. E. Gunderson For Good AUTO SERVICE and GOOD OUTFITS FOR TRAVELING MEN On Short Notico THE DRAPER LOT is the best. Hacks for all Trains. i Draper Livery j ERNEST DRAPER, Prop. I Mt. Pleasant, - - Utah. Wm. P. WINTERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Mount Pleasant Utah. L. H. ROBISON Physician and Surgeon I OFFICE SEELY BUILDING HOURS: 2:00 to 6:00 P. M. Dully ' Office Phone No. 67. :-: Residence Phone No. 44 Mount Pleasant - - Urali N. S. NEILSON F. C. JENSEN O. F. WALL President Vice-Preairfent Cashier ; MOUNT PLEASANT COHHfRCIAL & SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS Ferdinand Ericksen, Rasmus Anderson, Andrew Madsen j Olof Rosenlof, Swen O. Nielson, A. C. Wall : Both checks and savings accounts are respectfull.s solicited. All cusLomers will receive courteous treatment, and their business our prompt attention. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. People sending money through the mails should secure drafts, this being the cheapest and safest way of transmitting transmit-ting money. Banking hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Four Per Cent. Interest Per Annum Allowed on Saoings "Deposits, Payable Semi-Annuall). Semi-Annuall). :-: Municipal and School Bonds Bought and Sold I TRADE AT HOME. I I r Spend your money in your home town. That is j the way to make this place a better one and a A more prosperous community 1 EVERY DOLLAR SPENT FOR LONG-RENGE I? TAILORINO IS A BLOW TO A fl I LOCAL INDUSTTY. X p Every dollar spent for a merchant tailored gar- I ment emp oys a local workman, thereby improv- I ing our local prosperity and iasu ing to you bet- t?r value. Have your next suit made in Mt. I Pleasant. y 1 C M. PETERSEN ffii! !J - I MT. PLEASANT, . . UTAH :brzrsv.i .m. j .. ,. , mrTrTTTrr j $35.00 From Salt H Lake City I Law Rate Tickets on H Sale By Ajcnts of I . THE RIO GRANDE. '). Fcr Inform Salt Lake Mi f-i EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA Feb. 1st Returji March 17 ! SrOPOV-ESS AND DIVERS ROUTES 1 Write for Special Itinerary of ! This Trip. ' ' i fc Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Frea Pullman Reclining- Chair Cars. " ! Snow and Ice to Sunshine and f Flowers. ), 3 -'on, Literature, etc.. Write to f T- C PECK, G. P. A. J. H. MANDERFIEID, A. G. P. A. i Los Mes Salt Ulic City j. |