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Show MODEL MADE UP IN TWEED Soft, Fine Material Should Be Selected Select-ed for This Smart, Though Severely Simple Style. A soft fine tweed is selected for our model, which is smart and simple In style, and has the skirt cut to fit plainly round the hips; it is trimmed at foot by a deep band of plain cloth to match the check in the material; the upper part is shaped up in front and has the edge turned in and laid over the lower; a row of stitching In silk is worked at- edge. The bodice has a piece of the cloth let in at center of front and back; material straps piped with the cloth are taken over shoulders at the edge of yoke, which is of lace to match un-der-sleeves; the over-sleeves have straps piped with cloth sewn on the outside. Hat of stretched satin to mafch cloth, swathed in a lighter colored ninon and trimmed at side with a feather mount. Materials required: 3V4 yards tweed 46 Inches wide, 1 yard cloth 46 inches wide, yard lace. |