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Show THE MT. PLEASANT PYRAMID Entered as second class matter at the post-oflicc at Mount Pleasant I Utah, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1H70. An Independent Newspaper Published Rvery Friday Morning by The Pyramid Publishing Co. Burke McArthur,. Proprietor Rates of subscription - One Year' $1.50; Six Months 75c; Three Months 50 FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1912. KOUSIKfEPING ROOMS FOR RCSTat Mrs. 8. f. kvcVs That Hot Chocolate at Sutton's is delicious. Let us prove it to you. Is your husband cross? An irritable fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach! A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great - many have been permanently cured of stomach trouble bv taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale by All Dealers. Advertisement. PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING. Try a Cream Tomato Bouillon at Sutton's. Whu cough Stop It I Stop coughing! Coufiliir rasps and tears. Stop it! Coughing prepares the thr; I and lungs for' more trouble. Stop it ! There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughirc. Stop it! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Pec-toral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doctor s I medicine. Sold for scver.'y years. Use it! Askycurdc -tor if this is not good ndv: . iJnlcss there is daily action cf i x-els, x-els, poisonous products are a :d, Causing headache, biliousness, r a, tfyspepsia. We wish you would ur doctor about correcting your constiDsiion ty taking laxative doses of Aver's Pills. I Mad by the J. C. AYES CO., Lowoll, iota. Business Directory Heaters i Haters!;: The Great Western is a heater that always gives good satisfaction, is a coal-saver and very ftasiK' kept clean. Call at the Coth Furniture Co. i Dr. J. R. Earle Eye, E:tr, Xose and Tlii'oat. .SL'KCIALlsST Tuesdays only 1 to 4 p. m. Apoi-vtr.its by phorfe, No. 92 F j Win. P. WINTERS PHYSICIAN ana SURGEON. Mount Pleasant Utah. Dr. D. D. Tebbs DENTJST Lamont Building Mt. Pleasant, - - Utah J. W. CHERRY AT TORNEY AT L AW. Office in Lamont Building. Mt. Pleasant, 'Jtah. Tel. No. 4. DR. R. A. BURCH M-NTIST W asalch Building Ml. Pleasant, ::: Utah J. E. Larson gg&. Watchmaker and Jeweler Also Engraving." ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Office Opposite Post Office Ferdlnnnd ErlcUsen George Christensen EricKsen & Christensen LAWYERS Telephone Nos, 7 and 79, Notary Public in office Office, second floor of the Ericksen Block. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Up -To -Date Shoe Repairing Done at very reasonable prices. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mannus Olten. Briggs& Amundsen All Work GUARANTEED Once Come, Always Stay Hair Tonic Guaranteed to Cure Dandruff. Cream for Chapped Hands and face Fairviesv ... Utali Agents for the Celebrated Troy Laundry of Salt Lake City. - - Also Agents for - - W. L. OBENDORF & CO. Chicago's Leading- Tailors. J. C Stocks, M. D. PHYSICIAN' & SIT.CMON' 0:lir. 1 I'l in '.V ls.Uc ! Bio-1;. Ilnui-s 2 ti. f, .'ally Oilice phnnt Xo. 5 Uesiderve phone No. 11 Mount Pleasant, . jtali. DR. L. H. ROBISON Physician and Surgeon nffiire at KesMt-ni'e - - Phone No. 44 HOI KS: 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. I Mount Pleasant - - Utah j The boy's appetite is often the source of amazement. If you would - have such an appetite take Chamber Iain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. For sale by All Dealers. J Advertisement. Ericksen Meat and Grocery Co. Choicest Meats, - Freshest Groceries j In Stock Always All fruits and early vegetables in season. Equipment thoroughly up to date. Patronage of the public solicited N. S. NEILSON F. C. JENSEN O. F. WALL President Vice-President Cashier MOUNT PLEASANT COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS Ferdinand Ericksen, Rasmus Anderson, Andrew Madsen Olof Rosenlof, Swen O. Nielson, A. C. Wall Both checks and savings accounts are respectfully solicited. All customers will receive courteous treatment, and their business our prompt attention. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. People sending money through the mails should secure drafts, this being the cheapest and safest way ' of transmitting transmit-ting money. Banking hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Four Per Cent. Interest Per Annum Allowed on Savings 'Deposits, Payable Semi-Annually. Semi-Annually. :-: Municipal and School Bonds Bought and Sold To Our Electric Light Patrons: We urge all our light users to use the latest improved MAZDA LAMP for economy and brighter light. ,! Your meter tells a story each month that sometimes isn't a pleasant one. If you are using the old fashioned 25-cent carbon lamp your meter runs up, and of ter you have insufficient light for your needs. You can double your illumination at no greater cost of current by using the Mazda lamp. They cost only 50 cents. Try them, and then note the difference. Mt. Pleasant Mill & Power Co. TT Conference and rfwH Utah State Fair vhHy One Fare Excursion Rates TO SALT LAKE CITY SPECIAL J!!5il5It2! TD A T" Additional Attractions. J. Ladies Relief and Primary Association, October 2-3 SERVICE National Irrigation Congress, Sept. 30th to Oct. 3rd FROM Tickets on Sale Tym a Tj From Nearby Points Sept 30 to Oct 6, inclusive UlAxl Return Limit Oct 12th PnT T MTV for Distant l8ints SePL 29 to 0ct- 4. i"cllKivc KjKJ Uiy L 1 Return Limit Oct 15th I! Ask For Tickets Via Extra Sleepers and mr di it i n;r Pul.man Chair Cars f LAKE ROUTE Southern Points IF Vff u. r..A. I. r. A. A. (j. r. A. MEN"S vests """""" . MADE-TO-ORDER $3.98 I Our silk vests made-to-order are, dressy and can be had in a complete com-plete assortment of fabrics. Elite fancy vestings in tasty patterns pat-terns are stylish and serviceable for all occasions. Dress and evening clothes made in standard form at modern prices. C. M. PETERSEN, Merchant Tailor ' Mount Pleasant, Utah. M A.Merz&Co. glf r Mt.Pleasant,-Ut. Jf |