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Show THE PEEVISH CHILD NEEDS TREATMENT When a child sulks drowsily, or la fretful, It Is usually due to some slight disorder of the digestive organs, and a mild laxative is very often all that is necessary to restore cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirits. In cases where the use of a gentle, effective laxative stlmuiant Is Indicated, Indi-cated, many of the best physicians ara now prescribing Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This preparation Is admitted-ily admitted-ily the perfect laxative, being mild, yet J positive In ltB action on the bowels, and far preferable to violent cathart-lcs cathart-lcs and purgative waters. It is very " pleasant to the taste and Is an Ideal remedy to regulate and strengthen the Btomach, liver and bowels. Its easy, natural action makes It especially de-Blrable de-Blrable in the case of children, a dose at bed-time being sure to have the desired de-sired result next morning, with no attendant at-tendant unpleasantness or discomfort. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is sold by druggists everywhere In 50c and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried this splendid remedy, write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Mon-tlcello, Mon-tlcello, 111., for a sample. He will be very glad to send a trial bottle without with-out any expense to you whatever.. |