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Show iHf s, A A A V A v v. J', A A h 4- a aj tsjo f yxr rrw a tit; xr t X It is with a great deal of pleasure and fgr 4. satisfaction that we announce Publicly that we are members of the !' Western Merchants Association 'jf which was organized by 58 of the lead--! ing merchants of the Great West. Cap-4' Cap-4' tal invested over SI m Business 4 ' capasity over fii annually. . 'W na The Association is the Originator of X "The Best Quality at the Lowest Possible Prices." 4' ..... e have been members of this Association for seme time, but did not care to make the same public until we had received a shipment j of goods and tried them out This we have now done and find that vjk the prices and quality more than meet our expectations. v The purpose of this organization in br ief is as follows: First: To deal directly with the mills and manufacturers. I? Second: To buy in large quantities. p Sw Third: To have all goods manufactured esi33cially under our Js buyers supervision and branded with our name and labels. fo. 4?' Fourth: To give quality its full capacity & the last secret of all to get the lowest market price that cannot be discounted a single cent. This organization is but in its infancy and yet it is having-a marvelous success. Space will not at this time parmit us to quote prices but this we shall do in the p ffl' very near future. We simply want you to know what we are doing in this line. ,x Just happen in and we will demonstrate to you these facts with the goods we 2' have already received. THE SANPET 4' 4 WXX&X&X&XXXyXXX srxxxx zrxx BIG SHOE SALE P e Reduction from 25 to -10 per cent on a large R' stock of shoes ' $! r . ' F; Notwithstanding the recent advance on t'hocf, we are going to offer the public a jrreat re duct ion on .a jjjj strictly up tc date line of shoes. 50 pairs of Ladies shoes value So. 50 to 4.75 at .2.CS mr 40 " " " " 2.75 " :i,f!5 " 2.1!) & 30 " Mens High Top Shoes " (1.75 ' S.75 " 5.!.K) 25 " " ' " 5.li0 " C..50 "' V.S'O k 50 " Miss Shoes worth 2.25 h-IHiv at 1.70 g i Full line of samples of Mesahne sii ks. ()rKrs talu-n f.r t.ny (- jiattein at 7X ccnis per yard, rV" Full line of samples of FuulanK r..;-linsf'r. at ,.: a' 'y i; .w i ed price s, by ordering from sntri) .b -s. See our beautiful line of Ladies SI'LLXG SUIT;'. ii 1 WASAIollER. CO, 3 t n m Used end praised by the most Jp m competent and careful pas- V W try cooks the world over I I The only Eakirs Powder made Ix n from Royal Grape Cream of m Xh Tartar made from grapes . k ngi.ii to ,-,; , im r r a.x;-i ....a't.aty7;n.?irni!K a Carl Ivl Dalton presents 1 IV318S AGft3ES NELSON IN 7 TILLY OLSEN The Funny Swede Girl From Minnesota P Supported by a strong company 1 Director of BYRL W. HARRISON j i A Comedy Drama of the Northwest Played over 100 Nights in Chicago I , Own Special Scenery for Each Act j j Prices: 25, 35, and 50 cents Spring City Opera House Wed. Mar20th I Moroni " " Thur. " 21st. , x5 wl 1 V..' v';4"i -Y'iii VM? V-i --- f , -- f - CjH" W' neirno,l by j J C i M Backer M.v,r "' I ,,V ,.dl Q) (. &Co..Cbiouo V Becker. Mavor XV, & Co., Oicut-o When you have something Good tell your neighbor. This is just what wef want to do regarding the Mew Line of -ftp Boys Clothing "Wcoly Boy" Clothing $k is guaranteed n!S p:?re wool. 4 jj, No cotton or shoddy of r.ny !-;l:v.! - Lr.t vr.i vrooh The prices are no higher than ordianary gecsds. ) of ;:r ;i;e..; knicker par.ts. Sf ( ; ) ' l:nc-u " " PROGREPR luI'JRC. OO. i$tyfyS$ y i : : 0 i$ 25 if J5 f |