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Show AT BARGAIN PRICES! fBjBBB j :: We are offering for sale at rare bargains I H ft, :: Second-hand Trucks and Touring Cars, f j GARFORDS I i I BUICKS j J 1 FORDS i j FRANKLINS j fH m Two Hundred Dollars and'Up. t I bbob g r I JH 1 i; Gutheil-Broeker Auto Co., 1 B i I - Automobile Accessories, Gasoline, Oils, Etc. Price, Utah I mm 4 iBBBBH '5 BBBBBa ' rI 9HbI '' bUtI lBBflBBB?.4BBflBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBpTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl WHO DOKH NOT 1IFD TUB 8 IT-I'llDAY IT-I'llDAY NKWH tmMtiiiiioimiifc White House! Bar ll hi:tau. and wholkbalb '.'. 1 ' . The llest In Wlnea. idquora and ! '. ; ; cigam. ', Sole Agents For ' ' :: COOKS' (iOLDEN BEER i! Peacock Brothers!! Proprietors ! ! Ktl HIIMUHIH t ' Wear Crown Corset i ; Your corset Is the foundation for the ImprovemeM M your figure, nnd for the maintenance of your WvSit . 1 Other corsets cannot compare with Crown cnmIt?BU ;: the style and wearing quality. Twice the weaTEBr ; ; half the price ?5c, 98c, SUM? ii NENV PARASolIs ; ; Just received n new line of Fancy Parasols, for uM ; ; Children, Misses and the Ladies, ranging in price tWp 25cf 49c and 98c i: z t: - Wash JDress Good o CREPES. . II A beautiful wash fabric for Summer Drcsset ; ; Waists, etc., 30 inches wide, colored and tinted - ground with neat floral patterns. ;; Price 19c the Yard. ; ; IMPORTED RATINE. II A limited quantity 36-42 inches wide, Colors. ; ; Tan, White, Light Blue and Pink. I'rlec 25c and 49c. :: . Long Silk Gloves ' The Niagara glovea are considered the best II They aro made of extra heavy silk with double ; ; finger tips, two clasps at wrist, all in lG-button length Colors, Black, White, Light nnd Dark " Tan. Price 98c and $1.49 Pair 3 ; Other short gloves 25c and 49c Pair. Butterlck Patterns :: - BHBBBsBPBPB-BFTBnH! IHHPV H aw BHH' B AH rnmffnnmHrnnm WfBH rr J III M SJ.'fi'L9imt.i'JLm HF h BUST STORES 1 HU w MMMa-&mnn9 i, HH1 Adletis Out' Cent IVr Wont Ivrli Insertion. V Clinrgo Account. lt)lt HALK Oil TltADIVSIX-HoitHi' I'alrbank, Morse tt Co. gasoline en-"Ine en-"Ine a good n new, together with shafting, belting, pulley, etc May be men nt The Hun office , HTKNOaitAl'HIC WOIlK DONK ."at office or will go out. Albert Helm, with U A. McOie. attorney. Vlglla-Honomo Vlglla-Honomo building Upstair. JTm ItKNT I'Olt A TKItM OK jenrs. or ror sate on ray terms, forty ttereH or land south or frlcv In wnlklng distance. It W. Crockett ft Co KOIt HAI.lt M)T 30x100 I'HHT, Just east of Turner building terms. It W Crockett ft Co KltlH) 1C WOODS. jiirIH HOM: from the University or Utah nnd I pr pared to give Jeanon on plnno and conn t. Ktudcnt desiring Instruitlon will i all and make arrangement at Nc 3 Olson Hats, Irlce, Utah. I'HItHONH nKHinTNtrToTtKNT A publlr hall will please aM nt Joe II Itoberts drug store, I'rlee, Utah OI.l) NHWHr'Al'liltHnp'o'lTHAirK AT Tint Hun office; :io per hundred KOIt HAI.r-OOOI) TIUJlT "llAlU ne und wagon MrKunn Kor-warding Kor-warding Company. I.OHT i'ouh iFbah'ok Jio"hhi:h. One sorrel horea S0 pound, branded brand-ed xiuurn over X on right thigh and Hit on left, one roan aged five, brand-id brand-id circle I; two-rur-old and ono thirteen thir-teen or fourteen month old. branded O bar O. Iteward ror their return to Ambrose Desrvi. at Maiaronl factory, 1'rbr, Utah ttll.li OIlWHiiVlfl'IITHHSTH NMvi:ith.itv ok oimint Tin tlild IMIoun ate preparing for a big iebnitlon July :th at Halt Iwiko Clt, It being the fiftieth annl-irnary annl-irnary of the Institution or the ordir In I'tuh The program will commence with a parade ut I o'cloik, with at JeaKt five thousand member from Utah and adjoining state In line, follow fol-low d by sport and amusement at l.lhvriy I'urk and will wind up at the Hull Uke theater at 8 30 o'clock In the evening, when speaker from other statoH will be In attendance and plenti of music Hates have been scound nL railroad entering Halt Uke .nrde"" t,r"d '" " - Tho Hun carries a full tad cm lino of pencils. Inks, mutn blank book nnd offlcs npi general Mall orders solldtit dresa. The Hun, Trice, Uih.-i Hook and brief work a a. with The Run. Ask for m Mall orders solicited and ih closrat attention Addrtts, TV Price, Utnh Advt Hun ad lot are one rat i Mnko your wonts known ihrots) use, I Office I Supplies ::TIwSi has list adMto '-' pMHMfrflce svffSM, i I cWig tamg otaVer lHf PsbcHj, hlsjtu, PmImUks, Inm, libkr Bands, HmU FaperClips, FaslHtn PjraaMFiBS, Loese Leaf Mew, Ledgers, Day My Jennials, Cash Wl Letter Frfcs, ;; Receipt Books, He4chklss Stapkrs, LHrrary Paste, Elc. Phone f iThe Sm Price, Utah '"iiiiiiiiiiiiinii ( nn4i 14 off on 1 Hammock I SUMNER'S m4 mi. n,,,., ., |